Chapter 14

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The whole weekend was a blast, Julie spent most of her time in the studio with us writing music. I even finished a few songs myself. But like all good things, the weekend had to come to an end and Julie had to go back to school. This time she went back as a whole new person.

She was happier, more alive if you will, she was back to her regular self. And I had the boys to thank, Alex's Witt made her smile, Reggie's questions made her laugh and there wasn't anything that Luke couldn't do that didn't just made Julie glow with delight. If you're asking me I think someone had a crush on Luke and it wouldn't surprise me if Luke felt something for her as well.

Julie was currently at school and as someone who personally didn't like Monday's I decided to stay behind. I've already done my fair share of school. With Julie in school that left me watching over the boys.

Alex was gone off with Willie while I was stuck making sure Reggie and Luke didn't do anything stupid. As Luke was tuning his guitar I noticed that a cute leather jacket-wearing ghost was missing.

"Where's Reggie?" I asked

Luke looked up from his guitar, "no idea" he answered

I gave Luke a "come on" expression as I held my hands out to my side. He only shrugged and focused on his guitar again.

"He's probably inside the house, he's been hanging out with Julie's dad a lot lately" Luke mentioned

"Ray?" I questioned "umm alright I'll go get him"

"You go get lover boy" Luke smirked

I spun around and glared at Luke as he chuckled to himself.

"What did you just say?" I glared

"Oh don't be like that, we all know you and Reggie got some little spark going on," he said wiggling his eyebrows

I felt myself tense up-was it that obvious? I thought it was just me. I flash myself beside Luke and squatted in front of him.

"Luke Patterson you tell me exactly what you meant by that" I growled

"Woah nelly" Luke laughed "relax, all I'm saying is that you and Reginald got some wicked chemistry"

I stood up and brushed my hand through my hair as I felt my whole body get warm. I was not use to feeling this way, I don't know how to handle it. Luke instantly stood up and put a hand on my shoulder.

"You like him don't you?" He slightly teased

I looked at him with wide eyes as I felt like passing out.

"Oh my god- you do!" Luke exclaimed, "this is amazing!"

"Shhh!" I hushed him as I looked around the studio "someone might hear you"

"And who would?" Luke asked "we're dead"

"Oh, I don't know" I paused "maybe the person were talking about!"

Luke's mouth opened up slightly as he realized what I meant.

"Riggght." He mumbled causing me to roll my eyes "I'm gonna be your wing-man"

"Excuse me?" I laughed

"Your wingman!" Luke smiled as her wrapped his arm around my shoulder "you know I'll help you two get together"

"I know what a wingman means Luke," I told him "I just don't know if it's a good idea"

"Of course it's a good idea!" Luke took his arm off me and jumped onto the table "I mean you like him and he likes you so it's gonna be easy!"

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