Chapter 13

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A makeover was the last thing I thought I was going to be doing in my afterlife. Personally, I didn't want to get rid of my long dark brown hair but unfortunately, I had to cause Flynn did give a solid point. I didn't want Ray or Victoria to recognize me at all, people couldn't know that we were ghost. Ray has somehow already seen me once, I can't let that happen again. He can't know it's me, he'll have a heart attack.

I sat down on a stool in the bathroom and watched as Julie took foils to my hair.

"So you guys can touch each other but you can't touch the boys?" Flynn asked Julie as she sat on the edge of the bathtub watching Julie do my hair

"Uh yeah, basically" Julie answered

"We know it's weird, we don't understand it either" I added

"Huh. The more you know" Flynn nodded "so Amelia tell me about yourself"

"What's there to tell you that you don't already know," I said

"She was with us from the start of our friendship" Julie mentioned

"She's right, I was with you two throughout the whole thing. I went to your kindergarten graduation and stayed with you both throughout your first day of high school. I was even with you that one time when you were watching your first scary movie. Pretty sure you peed yourself, Flynn"

"I did not! I would never" Flynn defended

"You sure about that?" I asked laughing causing Julie to snicker "pretty sure you ran to the bathroom"

"I'm gonna ignore you" Flynn huffed making me and Julie laugh harder

"Oh you can't get rid of her now" Julie stated "you get use to her being like that"

"You say 'that' like it's a bad thing," I told Julie while looking at her through the mirror "you're just jealous that you don't have my gift"

"The gift of what? Annoyance?" Julie questioned

I let out a fake gasp and place my hand on my chest, "how dare you say that about me, I'm far from annoying"

"Sure whatever you say," Julie said as finished the last foil

We waited for a half-hour before we took out the foils and washed my hair, this felt so strange to me because I had no idea that I could've held any trait of being human again. I felt so alive and I couldn't wrap how I could do all of this now and not before. I sat back in front of the mirror with a towel on my head. Julie grabbed it and looked at me as her hands reminded on my head.

"Ready?" She asked me

"Gonna have to be," I told her

Julie took off the towel and my eyes literally popped out of my head. I'm blonde. I ran my hand through my long hair and twirled the wet strand of hair around my pointer finger.

"Woah," I said

"You look amazing" Julie gushed

"I can't believe I'm blonde" I stated

"I have another idea" Flynn announced as she walked over to the sink and pulled out a pair of scissors and a comb.

"Oh hell no" I shook my head as I inched away from her

"Hear me out!" Flynn said "you'll look amazing. Julie!"

I looked over at Julie who started nodding her head. The two girls before me looked at me with large puppy dog eyes. I exhaled a long deep breath and nodded my head. Flynn happily handed Julie the scissors, before Julie brought them close to my head I grabbed ahold of her wrist.

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