Chapter 12

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The first place that Julie and I did was go to Flynn's house but when her mom told Julie that she wasn't home Julie and myself raised an eyebrow but left anyway.

"Flynn I know you're mad at me but I have something to tell you, please call me back," Julie said as she left Flynn a voicemail

Julie groaned in frustration as she hung up the phone, I placed a hand on her shoulder and gave her a small smile.

"She'll come around Jules," I told her as we entered the back yard and made our way towards the front

"I don't know Amelia, she clearly doesn't.." Julie started but I quickly got her to stop

"What's Flynn doing here?" I asked as I nudged her to stop

Julie's head turned towards the direction I was looking in and love and behold there stood Flynn.

"Flynn" Julie called out "what are you doing here? W-I've been looking all over for you"

Flynn pressed her lips together and shrugged her shoulders

"Not everywhere cause here I am," Flynn said

"I've been texting you all day," Julie told her as we both made our ways over to Flynn "the least you could've done was text me back"

"We literally went to your house" I emphasized but I knew she couldn't hear me

Flynn started making her way from the front porch going towards Julie, "I sent the poop emoji-I think it said everything"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, "that could literally mean anything" I shrugged as Julie took a breath

"I was just returning this" Flynn stated as she pulled out her double trouble Flynn "I won't need it anymore"

Flynn tried to hand it back but Julie grabbed a hold of it not letting Flynn give her the shirt.

"I'm not taking it" Julie said as she gave her back the shirt

"Fine. Then my dad can wash his car with it though all this betrayal on it might scratch his paint" Flynn told us

"Look. I'm very sorry for not telling you." Julie started "but I-I need you to know how important you are to me. There's no way I would've made it through this year if it wasn't for you"

"Yet it was four strangers who got you back into music" Flynn snapped

"I am not a stranger" I huffed "you should know that"

"I don't need someone in my life who lies and keeps things from me," Flynn said "Goodbye Julie"

Flynn was about to leave but Julie held her back, "They're ghost" she blurted

"What?" Flynn asked shocked

"Here we go" I sang

"The boys and girl in my band, they are not holograms. They're ghosts, and when we play together people can see them." Julie explained

"Oh tell her I'm not a stranger!" I exclaimed

"And that girl isn't a stranger, she's my Tía Amelia" Julie continued

"What do you mean ghost? The kind that rattles chains and go boo?" Flynn asked "and your Tía? Come on Julie"

"No, pretty sure that's just a hurtful ghost stereotype. And yes it's my Tía Amelia." Julie told her "those four are just normal dead dudes, well..."

"Reggie is a little questionable" Julie and I both said together causing me to laugh and her to smile

Flynn immediately picked up her phone and started texting, "who are you texting?" Julie asked

Forever Yours// Reggieحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن