Chapter 11

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I looked around the busyness of the Hollywood strip trying to see if I could find Alex. I have to be honest I will still upset with Luke and Reggie by how they felt with Alex. They don't understand how big of a deal this is for me but I do because I was. The only difference is that I was completely alone and not trapped in a dark room for 25 years. I did my best to walk around the living as I searched for one of my new closest friends. That's when I noticed the familiar pink champion hoodie not far from me. I quickly appeared beside him.

"There you are" I stated

"Yeah here I am" Alex stated with a hint of sass in his voice

"Oh don't get like that with me Alex, I didn't follow you nor yell at the boys for you to get sassy with me," I told him

"You yelled at them?" He asked softly

"Of course I did, who else was gonna do it?" I asked chuckling as I wrapped my arm around his shoulder

Alex gave me a huge smile but that turned sour as he let out a gasp looking ahead of us. I followed his eyes and let out a laugh as he watched two men dressed as ghostbusters come toward us.

"Oh man, we're busted!" He yelled as they got closer "NO!"

Alex instantly hid behind me holding tightly onto my arms as I let out a laugh. He looked at me confused but then noticed that they walked right through us. Out of relief he shyly smiled at me and rejoined my side.

"Are you finished now, drama queen?" I joked

"I am not a drama queen" Alex huffed "I really thought they were after us"

"Alex were ghost nobody can hurt us" I informed him

But just as I said that I wasn't paying attention to the sound of a skateboard coming near us. Obviously, I wasn't paying attention to it cause I thought the boy on it would just go through us but I was wrong. I watched as he collided with Alex, causing the both of them to crash onto the ground.

"Ah!" The ghost yelled

Alex looked up at me as I helped him up, "you were saying?" He glared at me as he rubbed his arm

"Whoops" I chuckled

I picked up the ghost's skateboard and noticed something all too familiar with the board. Engraved on the bottom was the letter "W" and a small image of a daredevil beside it. I threw the board next to the ghost as he slowly got up. When he picked it up he seemed disappointed.

"Oh man, oh you dinged my board!" Willie exclaimed to Alex

Alex look at me in shock before looking back at Willie, "I dinged your board? Dude, you ran me over!" Alex yelled "you're lucky I-"

Alex stopped for a second and looked at me in disbelief as he realized what he said, " ran me over. You're a ghost?" Alex questioned

"Mm. Yeah," Willie answered as he undid his helmet "ever since I learned that the hard way..."

"Skating in traffic was bad" Willie and I said at the same time causing him to look away from Alex and onto me

"Mel?" Willie asked in shock "no way Mel!"

I let out a laugh as Willie rushed over to me and gave me the biggest hug. He ended up dropping his board and spin me around.

"It's been forever since I've seen you!" He exclaimed as he put me down and pulled away from the hug

"Well yeah, after everything went down and- well you know" I shrugged "I decided to spend time with Rose's family more"

"I get that" he nodded "wish I was smart like you"

Forever Yours// ReggieNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ