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Its been five years since the take over.

Humans once the dominant species to live on earth, now to turn into nothing but the hunted by hybrids that now live above all species.

Humans are dying off and only few people are left.

The Pak family to be one of the few.

Thankfully when the rise of the new age rose up to change the world forever, Pak Juwon was a Hunter. It's a family trait, the skills passed on from generations. The family were so good with their hunts in the wild animals they had their own business to sell their kill to the locals. Well that was before all this. Now Juwon does what he can to survive and to be sure that his wife, Pak Ara and his three little girls are taken care of.

The eldest, Pak Heejin. She is smart yet wise for her ten year old self. Like a second mother to her two younger siblings.

The middle child, Pak Y/n. The stubborn yet adventurous little girl that likes to wonder. She has a mind of her own, yet very brave for someone of seven years old.

Then lastly there is little Pak Nari. The quiet little girl who follows her elder sisters footsteps where ever they may go. Never has she known any other life than this. To be living in the woods all her life as she was only four years old.

Juwon vowed that he would do anything to protect his family and that meant anything.

They lived in a shared tent that Juwon would carry on his back daily as they wondered through the woods far away from the city. The city is the most dangerous place to be. That's where most of the humans have gone and never returned.

Something that the Pak family know to never go if they want to stay alive.

Today was wash day and a chance to fill up their bottles of water from a nearby stream in the woods. Juwon took a few private moments further up stream to wash himself while he knew his wife was with the children. Of course she was armed.

Unfortunately not with any gun as the bullets to the guns they once had, had ran out so they cope with knives. It's not preferred but it does the job.

Ara was squatting down to little Nari's height, trying to help the girl wash in the cold water. As she is young she still hasn't quite grasped the concept of having no warm water even if this all she knows but she'll get use to it. Her parents and older siblings had to even if none of them like it and the only warmth they will feel will be each other's body heat and that from a fire.

Heejin was already washed and dressed, practicing her reading that her mother had set out as part of their homeschooling. It's the best Ara could do under the circumstances to allow her children to have some sort of education.

"Mommy I don't like it!" Nari

"I know honey but you're almost done." Ara

She poured some cold water on little Nari's hair to wash out what dirt could be washed away. Once done Ara took the small towel from her shoulder and wrapped it around Nari's body.

"Y/n! Please done go too far!" Ara

"Yes mommy!" Y/n

Y/n was too distracted in stepping over the stones to the other side of the stream. She swore she saw people, small people and wanted to see them. Y/n liked to wonder on her own but obviously not too far from her family as they are all she has.

She could hear the voices of her sister and mother fade but that doesn't stop her when she sees a little boy around her age standing with his back turned to her but quickly turns around with a scared yet shocked expression on his face.

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