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SINGTO WAS PLAYING with his fingers on top of the table. Obviously nervous while waiting for his ex-boyfriend to arrived. Every minute passed, he unconsciously scanned the whole café from time to time before looking down at his phone with Krist as his wallpaper.

On the other hand, Krist was debating whether to come in or not. Standing outside the café for the whole ten minutes was a bit awkward for him when strangers kept looking at his direction.

And maybe some of them recognized him.

Wasn't this a bad idea? He asked himself before deciding to pull the café's door. As soon as the bell rang, Singto looked up only to meet his ex-boyfriends glossy eyes. It may sound cliché, but he wanted to run and hug him so tight that he couldn't breathe.

He missed him so damn much.

"Hey!" The only word Singto could utter when Krist arrived at his spot.

"Hey!" Krist could sense the awkwardness between them, but he shrugged it off.

If only he could melt just to hide his red cheeks by just seeing his ex-boyfriend's face so close that he could barely breathe. How he badly wanted to taste those kissable lips and just cuddle with him for the rest of the day.

Krist made himself comfortable. Both were about to speak when their order arrived, Singto ordered beforehand, not so sure if his date would arrive.

"So," Singto cleared his throat. "How are you? It's been a month since I last saw you."

"I'm doing fine," even if I'm not fine without you in my life. Krist wanted to add, but he knew for sure when to zip his mouth.

"I don't know where to begin," Singto bit his lower lip and heaved a small sigh.

"We have the whole day to talk," Krist managed to tap his ex-boyfriend's hand, a bit shaking on top of the table. "I'm not going to run away and leave everything behind. I'm not going to let you go for the second time."

"Then, shall we start with the food?"

"Of course!"

Singto and Krist quietly ate their breakfast. The awkwardness between the ex-lovers died down soon after Singto talked about their foolishness when they first met.

Little by little, everything was going back into places.

"You know that I would never date another man beside you, right?"

"You wrote it in your diary,"

Singto chuckled with Krist replied. "Let's start again? And I promise you, no more secrets and I'll be open to you."

"W-what?" Krist forehead crest.

"Hi," Singto smiled shyly as he offered his hand to his ex-boyfriend. "My name is Singto, and may I know your name, please?"


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