Chapter 6 Nothing but trouble

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The apartment was small, but anything was better than where he had come from. It had four walls, a roof and windows. The small kitchen was usable and he had running water, both hot and cold.

He wasn't complaining. It was affordable.

And temporary, he told himself. One day he would have made enough money to rent something better. Right now, he was just grateful to be away from his old man.

Ever since his mother had died seven years ago, his father had hated him. Blamed him.

He wore scars that would never heal. Sometimes he believed that the happy family they had once been was just an illusion.

Chase sighed as his eyes roamed over the sparsely decorated rooms. A bed, a table, three random chairs and a worn couch. It wasn't much, but he didn't ask for much. He never had, though he hadn't lacked money growing up.

When his phone blared to life, he smiled when he saw the picture that flashed up in the display. "Archer," he greeted the person on the other end.

"You settled in yet?" Archer asked.

Chase nodded, but realized Archer could not see. "Yeah," he said, "though there's not much to settle."

"If you need anything, Chase," Archer said kindly, "you know you can just ask. We'll figure something out."

"I know," Chase answered. Even after knowing Archer for so long, he still felt reluctant to accept help from the man. Archer had done so much already. Chase wasn't sure how he could ever pay him back.

"You're still dropping by the gym later?" Archer asked, though he already knew the answer, "we can discuss your hours. I wouldn't want it to interfere with your schoolwork."

Chase scoffed. "I'd rather work at the gym. School sucks big time."

"None of that now, boy," Archer scolded lightly, "you're going to finish your school. It was part of the deal. Once you graduate, I'll see about that job offer, but I want you to get that diploma."

Chase sighed. "Yeah, yeah. I know."

"Good," Archer said, "speaking of school. Shouldn't you be going?"

A slight smirk appeared on Chase's lips. "I was actually getting ready to leave when you called."

Archer chuckled. "I won't intrude any longer then. Get going. And bring that girlfriend of yours sometimes. I haven't seen her in a while. You're still together, aren't you?"

"We are," Chase confirmed, "she's been busy volunteering at the animal shelter. And she has these other school activities. But I'll ask her."

"Great," Archer said, "we can all have dinner together. Now get going . I'll see you later."

"See ya," Chase said and he broke the connection. Quickly he gathered his things and grabbed his sports bag. His new home was a little further away from the school, so he had to hurry. He couldn't get in trouble now. He had stated he was responsible. Getting in trouble would reflect badly on Archer too, who had stuck his neck out for him.

He had to make an effort.


She hadn't spoken to him all week, not since he had dropped by at Dandelion. And he hadn't made an effort to approach her either. Perhaps he had finally given up befriending her.

Of course, that meant no more study sessions either. And she was in desperate need of assistance. Midterms were approaching and she still didn't have a clue what she was doing most of the time. Reluctant as she was to admit it, she had come to rely on Eric's annoying presence. And now that he ignored her, she missed his company.

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