Chapter 24 Ray

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Trevor watched the girl closely as both of them were checked before being allowed to enter the visiting area. She was shifting her weight from one foot to the other while looking around with anticipation.

For Trevor it was the first time he'd come face to face with the girl's brother. He had no idea what to expect, but he prepared for the worst.

They were led to a large room with several tables and seat arranged in neat rows. Some tables were already occupied, but he found one in the back that was still vacant. He pointed. "Come, Alyssa, we'll sit here."

Seemingly a little nervous now, Alyssa followed him to said table and slowly sat down. Now they would have to wait.

It didn't take long for an official to arrive with a young man at his side. Judging from his features, this had to be Alyssa's brother. They looked a lot alike.

His suspicion was confirmed when Alyssa flew from her seat. "Ray!"

A surprised look spread over the young man's face. "Ally," he breathed.

"Sit down at the table," the official that had accompanied him instructed.

Obediently, Ray sat down. Trevor had stood up and regarded the young man cautiously and curiously. A light stubble adorned Ray's cheeks. He had short dirty blonde hair and greyish eyes that took in the world around him with a guarded look. His short sleeves showed muscular arms.

Trevor glanced over him as unobtrusively as possible. No tattoos. No needle marks. A slight scar underneath one of his eyes, but it was barely noticeable.

Trevor flinched when he locked eyes with the young man.

"Are you done checking me out?" the man asked in a gruff voice.

Trevor narrowed his eyes slightly. "I was only trying to see what kind of man I'm dealing with."

"You her foster father?" Ray asked with a glance to Alyssa.

"No," Trevor said calmly, "I'm with CPS. I have taken over Alyssa's case. She asked to visit you."

Ray raised an eyebrow. "And you arranged it for her? Why? That woman never did."

Trevor glanced at Alyssa. "We have made an agreement," he said calmly, "she promised to stop running away from her foster home if she'd be allowed to visit you."

Next to him, Alyssa crossed her arms annoyed. "I just said I'd be nice."

Ray sighed. "Ally, we talked about this. If those people take good care of you, then you gotta try. Go to school an' all that."

"You said I could always live with you!" Alyssa growled, "you'd always take care of me."

"And I will," Ray said calmly, "I will never send you away, but I can't take care of you in here. And I don' want you livin' at Vince when I ain't there. Can you try make it work? Ally? At least til I get outta here?"

Alyssa unfolded her arms and huffed annoyed.

"Ally?" Ray persisted.

She glared at him.

Ray turned to Trevor. "She won't run away."

Trevor followed the exchange with interest. This Ray wasn't at all what he had expected. He nodded at the young man with new found respect.

"Now," Ray said to his sister, "you can tell me all about this family you're stayin' at. How's school?"

Alyssa sighed. "It's stupid."

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