Chapter 25 Anger management

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Punch after punch landed on the large bag that hung from the ceiling. She didn't care if she did it correctly. She just needed to hit something.

Her hair was plastered against her face and her breath came out heavily. She could feel the strain on her muscles, but still she did not stop. Being confronted with Vincent again had taken a toll on her. That smirk on his face when he saw her in that wheelchair, like it was the biggest joke ever. She knew she should have insisted Vince leave the courtroom before taking the stand. He didn't care. He never had. Her biggest fear was that he was going to walk. That he would find her.

Another punch landed on the bag. It was swinging slightly. Soon she would be in danger of being hit herself.

Two hands steadied the bag and Alisson looked up.

Kai was standing next to her and watched her concerned. She must look a mess in her clothes she had worn to court, now drenched with sweat.

"What?" she huffed.

Kai looked at her a little longer. "I'll hold it for you," he finally said.

Alisson gritted her teeth, but then gave a nod and started punching again.

To his credit, Kai didn't say anything. He just held the punching bag and let her rage.

"You will do as I say. Got it?!"

Another punch.

"I knew I never should have let him take you in. I knew you'd be trouble."

Another punch.

"You listen to me, little bitch. I don't like being talked to that way. So you better watch your mouth. Bad things happen to people that turn their back on me. Better get that into your head."

Another punch.

"Too bad your brother was too stupid to get it."

The next punch missed and scaled just along the bag.

"Where would you like to go Ally? If you could pick one place, where would it be?"

"The ocean."

"The ocean huh? Very well. One day I'll take you there."

A sob escaped her lips and she leaned forward until her head rested against the punching bag. All of her strength had left her. She just felt drained. Tears tried to force their way out of her eyes, but she blinked them away. She would not be weak.

She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths.

Next to her, Kai studied her calmly. "Want to talk about it yet?" he asked.



Her head still against the punching bag, she drew another deep breath.

Kai nodded. "I'll get you some water."

She listened to the sound of his retreating footsteps and slowly sat up again. She wasn't sure what to do. After the hearing, she had told Trevor to drop her off at the gym. She wasn't ready to go home and confront inquisitive questions and curious faces.

But she couldn't stay here.

Kai returned with a bottle of water and a large towel. He handed her the bottle and wrapped the towel around her shoulders. "You should be careful," he said, "your body is cooling down. You'll get sick."

Alisson snorted. "I don't care."

"But I do," Kai stated. When he saw the look she gave him, he grinned at her. "If you get sick, I am the one that will have to carry you home since no one else is here."

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