Chapter 20 Castle of glass

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"Look who's back in the land of the living," Kai smirked when Alisson rolled into his office.

She glared at him. "I had a fever the entire week because of that stupid rain." Of course Kai had gotten off with a minor cold.

"We will build up slow then," Kai answered, "come. I thought we could work at the gym today. I set up a few light exercises for you to try out."

Alisson only stared at him. "I ain't gonna go to there where people will stare at me. I don' want their pity. It's bad enough I have to be here at all."

Kai rolled his eyes. "No one is going to stare at you."

"People always stare," Alisson said.

"Then give them that fierce killer look you gave me the first time," Kai said. When Alisson only looked at him unimpressed, he sighed. "Can you just trust me? Just this once?"

Alisson gritted her teeth. "I don't do trust."

Kai sighed and rolled his eyes. "Alright. Will you just believe me then instead? No one will stare at you. I thought you wanted to take your life back and be able to do things on your own. Or maybe you're just scared that once you know how to do these things, you have to rely on yourself."

Alisson narrowed her eyes in anger. "I ain't scared of nothin'," she hissed.

He smiled sweetly. "What's the problem then?" When she didn't reply, he sighed again and hunched down next to her wheelchair. "Hey, I only want to help you. Why would I want to embarrass you in front of other people? I'm a physical therapist. It's my job to help you rehabilitate, but I need you to work with me here. Can you do that?"

Alisson gritted her teeth and gripped the armrests of her chair. There was a stubborn look on her face, but she gave a stiff nod of compliance.

"Good," Kai nodded, "this way then."

Reluctantly, she followed him towards the gym. When they were there, she looked around confused. "There's no one here."

Kai nodded. "That's right."

Alisson glanced at him suspiciously. "How did you know no one would be here?"

"Because I reserved the gym for our hour session today," he answered casually.

She looked at him annoyed. "You could have just told me that."

"Yes," Kai nodded, "I could have."

Alisson crossed her arm. "Then why didn't you?"

He sighed. "Maybe I had hoped you would just take my word for it when I told you no one would stare at you."

Alisson opened her mouth to comment, but then closed it again. Arguing with him was annoying and he seemed to want to just get a rise out of her. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction. "Just get on with it."


"Alright Chase," Harrison Reynolds said kindly as he gestured towards a chair. "please sit so we can go over few things."

Chase drew a nervous breath and sat down. He rubbed his sweaty hands against his jeans. "Is he going to be there?"

His uncle nodded. "Yes, he will be there, but you won't have to talk to him. The judge has your written testimony." He smiled comforting. "It will only be a small hearing. Just you and me, your father and his councilor and the judge. You may bring someone for support if you want to."

Chase shook his head. "I need to do this on my own."

Harrison nodded. "Alright. That's fine. Now, the judge may have a few questions for you. I thought we might go over them so you know what to expect, alright?"

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