VII: First Day II

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The school bell rang loudly throughout Konoha High as the students shuffled to their classrooms. Lots of talking was heard as people discussed what they had for first period and where to go. Sakura, with her photographic memory, already memorized her school schedule.

Eng./Lang. Arts with Asuma-sensei, Sakura thought, reciting her first period class in her head.

She quickly headed on her way, remembering the way Naruto had told her to take. As she reached it, she quickly entered, using the extra minutes before the class officially began to look for anyone she recognized. Fortunately, she saw Naruto, Hinata, Ino, Kiba, and Shikamaru huddled in a little group talking amongst themselves.

"Hey, guys!" Sakura called out, smiling widely that she had at least someone she recognized. Everyone glanced out, mumbling "hey" and "hello." Everyone except for Ino and Naruto, who were always loud-mouthed, especially Naruto, who yelled out "Hey Sakura-chan!".

Other students whispered to one another, saying things such as, "How does she know them?" and "She's friends with them? She's only new!" After all, the group of eleven boys and girls were practically famous thanks to their extremely hot friend—according to the schoolgirls—Uchiha Sasuke.

"I didn't know you had this class too, forehead girl!" Ino said, smiling warmly at her best friend.

Naruto nodded, "Yeah! The only person I knew who had this class was Ino and Hinata-chan!" The blond-haired boy grinned, putting his arm in a friendly way around Hinata's shoulders. The Hyuuga girl blushed darkly, fiddling with her fingers while averting her gaze to the ground.

"I can't believe I have this class again…" Shikamaru mumbled before yawning. "It's very bothersome." He sighed, "And troublesome."

Ino sighed, "Shikamaru! It's getting so annoying hearing you say 'how troublesome' all the time!" Shikamaru put his pinky in his ear hole, yawning once again.

Akamaru barked, popping his furry head out of Kiba's jacket. "Akamaru! Keep quiet or they'll hear you and you'll have to go home!" The dog-boy whispered.

"You should take Akamaru home, Kiba-kun," Hinata advised, almost whispering.

"Yeah, you're right," Kiba replied with a sigh, getting up from his seat. "If the teacher asks why I'm gone, just make up an excuse. And Naruto, don't you dare say I'm going to the bathroom. Everyone thought I was constipated!"

Naruto let out a loud laugh, "Oh, yeah! I remember that!"

Ino rolled her eyes, but ended up laughing with Naruto too at the memory. Even the languid Shikamaru let out a light chuckle. Just then, Asuma entered the room.

"Okay class, settle down and take your seat," spoke the teacher, tossing his cigarette in an ashtray that was conveniently set up for his classroom. Soon the room occupied with students were seated in the desks, the loud chatters slowly fading away. "Now, even though this is your first day in school doesn't mean you won't be going home without homework," Asuma chuckled as class groaned in response.

The teacher took out another cigarette from his pack, lighting it before smoking it, blowing out a puff of smoke before continuing on with what he was saying. "What? You didn't expect me to be a pushover, did you?"

Sakura sent a questioning look at Ino, her face reading: "Is he always like this?"

Ino only nodded in response before returning her attention to the teacher.

Ino actually paying attention in school? Naruto thought, taking note of Ino's focused gaze. Did hell freeze over? Is the apocalypse starting? Naruto quickly took a frantic look at his surroundings at the thought. Little did he know Sakura was thinking the same thing.

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