End Of the Bet

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passed quickly—in Sakura's opinion—as she got up and brushed her silky pink hair.

Subconsciously, the playgirl felt a pair of eyes on her and turned towards her window. She saw Sasuke's onyx eyes looking back at her curious emerald ones, a smirk on his handsome face when he saw her gaze meet his. She laughed shortly, giving him a small fleer before returning back to her getting ready.

When she finished and began heading out the door, stepping down her front steps, the time was 7:30 a.m.

Pretty reasonable time, I guess, she thought to herself, humming to herself silently as she twirled her black Spider 360 Ferrari Convertible's keys around her index finger.

"Hey," she heard Sasuke's smooth, husky voice call out.

She glanced at him, almost expectantly at the sound of his voice. "Yeah?"

"Get a ride with me, it'll save parking space."

Sakura couldn't help but laugh to herself quietly at his "reason" to get her to ride with him. Nevertheless, she agreed to his offer, seeing Sasuke's face simper in response.

It'll save me gas anyway; she convinced herself, opening the door and sidestepping as she settled herself inside his silver Porsche Convertible. When she established herself in the passenger's seat, Sasuke leaned over to her with his grin still on his face, catching her off guard by pressing his lips against hers.

Instantly her eyes widened at his sudden action, using her hand to press on his chest as she shoved him back. Once he pulled back, a baffled expression dawned her face as well as a tint of pink hinting at her cheeks. After all, it's not every day you wake up and get spontaneously kissed.

"Uh, Sasuke... what do you think you're doing?"

Sasuke chuckled, "Does it bother you? It's not as though it's the first time I've kissed you. We've probably kissed each other..." he paused, counting his fingers in a mockingly slow fashion just to tease her, before continuing , "more times that I can count."

"You only can count up to five," she teased back with a roll of her verdant eyes.

The Uchiha started up the car, the engine making a soft purring sound.

He smirked, "That's the sound you're going to make one day," he whispered to her, "with me on top of you."

Sakura scoffed at his dirty thought, pushing his shoulders. "You are so cocky Sasuke, it's unbearable." Said boy pressed against gas petal.

"Is that a good thing?" he asked in a sarcastic tone, backing out of his driveway and driving towards Konoha High.

Maybe I should've just drive my own car to school... she thought in her head.

Oh come on, you find his arrogant attitude adorable, admit it!

Like that'll ever happen.

Hah, liar.

"Oi, Sakura, you there?" the playboy asked, snapping his fingers in front of her face as the car came to a stop from a red light.

The pink-haired girl blinked her emerald eyes a couple of times. She shook her head a bit. "Sorry, I was thinking." She paused, looking at his face with a raised eyebrow. "What?"

"You didn't hear what I said?" he asked, putting his attention back to the road when he noticed the light turn green from the corner of his eye.

Sakura shook her head, "I told you, I was thinking. What did you say?"

"I was talking about our bet."

The playgirl glanced at him curiously, "Our bet?"

Sasuke nodded, turning the car into the school parking lot.

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