Hanging Out

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Hey, Sasuke-teme!" Naruto called out to his best friend. The raven-haired boy looked at his loud-mouthed friend.

"What is it, dobe?" Sasuke asked, running an agitated hand through his spiky corvine hair.

"I'm bored," Naruto stated bluntly, "so do you want to hang out at your house?"

Sasuke shrugged, "I have nothing else to do."

Naruto grinned, "Great!"

The two boys walked towards Sasuke car, getting in while Sasuke drove towards his house.

"Wait, you and Uchiha Sasuke live next to each other?" Tenten asked, her chocolate brown eyes widening at the sudden news, her tone in disbelief. Sakura nodded, keeping her eyes on the road. "I can't believe this! I mean—Wait, are you happy about it?" the girl interrogated, eyeing her friend suspiciously.

Sakura gave her a look like she'd grown three heads as they reached a red light. "Are you crazy? The guy is so arrogant, thinking everyone is in love with him. I hate it! I'm practically begging my parents if we can move to another house, or a few streets down at least."

Tenten shook her head, "Sure, Sakura-chan." The pink-haired girl glared at her friend for not believing her before returning verdant pupils back on the road when the light turned green.

They soon reached the house, entering it as Sakura showed Tenten her room. "Your parents at work?" Tenten asked as she walked inside Sakura's room. The latter nodded, walking inside her room as well before sitting down on her soft pink bed.

"So teme," Naruto said as Sasuke drove in his silver Porsche convertible, "how's that bet of yours going?"

"I'm winning of cour—wait, how do you know about it?" Sasuke commented nonchalantly before looking at Naruto from the corner of his eye.

Naruto chuckled as the wind from the topless car blew through his blond hair. "Sakura-chan told me, genius. I thought someone as 'smart' as you would be able to figure that out!"

Sasuke scowled, "Shut up, idiot."

The blond-haired boy folded his arms behind his head, leaning into the passenger seat. "Yeah, whatever. Hey, I have an idea! First, do you know where Sakura-chan lives?"

Sasuke parked in front of his house, turning off the car and pulling the keys out as the engine roared to a dying hum. "Why do you want to know where she lives? And what plan?" he asked, irritation in his voice.

"Let's pull a prank on them!" Naruto exclaimed cheerfully. Sasuke cocked an eyebrow, giving his friend a confused look.

"What's the plan?" the raven-haired boy asked as the two entered the house.

"Well, we could—"

"Well, well, well, if it isn't my little brother," Itachi taunted whilst smirking. "First you don't come home with a girl at all, then you come home with a guy. What are you, gay?" Naruto couldn't help but let out a quick chortle, shutting up immediately when Sasuke groaned, running an annoyed hand through his hair.

"What the fuck do you want, Itachi?" he growled, glaring at him.

Itachi shrugged, closing his obsidian eyes. "Nothing," he stated as though it were the most obvious thing in the world. "You're just easy to bother."

Sasuke growled at him, walking up the stairs towards his room, Naruto following right behind him.

"You know teme, you do get easily bugged by Itachi," pointed out the blond, blinking his cerulean blue eyes innocently. Sasuke glared threateningly at Naruto so the latter quickly decided to change the subject. "So," he began. "Do you know where Sakura lives?"

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