"Alright, thank you so much" I sighed before we went outside "I can't believe this bullshit" I mumbled. 

I didn't wanna come to class, but I had to. Mr. Yoon acted like normal, like he didn't know anything. It must be stressful for him too.


A few hours later, I was called by the dean. I felt nervous as fuck, what if he assumes the same thing as the others? I feel like my heart's gonna jump out of my mouth right now. 

Quick, swallow it back in Junghee! 

(a/n: a haikyuu reference hehe) 

I feel like peeing, and passing out at the same time. How is that even possible, you ask? I don't know. I don't fucking now. I'm so nervous, my stomach's filled with butterflies. I feel like throwing up. I can't even...Why am I nervous? I'm sure-

"Oh...you're here too?" 

I froze as I saw Mr. Yoon beside me, standing outside the Dean's door. 

"Why are you here?" He asked 

"He called me for the...- the issu-"

"Come in" The Dean's assistant. oh god, ohmygod, I'm gonna puke. 

"So explain what's it all about" He said as he rested his arms on his desk 

"Uhm, explain...what? Sir?" Mr. Yoon asked 

Wait, don't tell me he's completely clueless of what's going on? He really has no idea?

"Don't call me sir" he frowned"You haven't seen this?" He said as he turned his laptop screen towards Mr. Yoon

"Oh...Like last time?" He sighed "they do this every fucking time, I'm not even surprised at this point" He chuckled "I thought you called me here for a drink or something" 

The dean surprisingly chuckled...Wait, he chuckled??

"You're Dr. Seokjin Kim's wife, right? We were friends in highschool. Never knew he'd be married to one of our students. Small world" he smiled "I heard you're an outstanding student as well, keep it up and don't think about the issue too much. I've been dealing with this shit a bunch of times, Junseo here...Ah I mean Mr. Yoon's been giving me headaches"

They both laughed. Wow, I always thought deans were scary but this is different...They're like best buddies. Now that I noticed, the dean looks really young too. "Sorry for this Mrs. Kim" 

"If you don't know yet, I'm Hyunsik. Anyways...We found out who it is thanks to the student council's Dowon" 

I'm guessing he's the one who's responsible for this type of thing. 

"That kid's been doing it for two years now, always saves the day" Mr. Yoon said as he leaned back against the chair with his legs crossed.  "I wonder who is it this time?" 

We turned our heads towards the door and saw a girl come in. Oh...She was the girl who kept talking to me during the club activity. I knew she was a bit sketchy. Suddenly, the both of them became professionals real quick. They sat up straight as the dean cleared his throat. 

Wow, really?  I raised my eyebrows and quietly scoffed. 

"I called you here to apologize to the both of them for posting something malicious. You need to make a public apology on the social media site you used or else I have no choice but to kick you out of the university. This behavior isn't acceptable especially if it may harm either the Student or the Professor's profile. Never let this happen again, or I'll have to contact your father"

She flinched when she heard about the father part. 

"I-I'm sorry...Mr. Yoon, Junghee. I'll take care of it, please forgive me. And Mr. Ahn, please don't tell my dad. I beg you" She said as she looked down. 

Mr. Hyunsik sighed and rolled his eyes "alright, I won't but make sure to take care of it. You can go now" 

as she left the room, the dean slouched again. "That was easier than I thought. Well, atleast it's taken care of. The post is deleted now, you can go back to class Mrs. Kim"

I leaned my head on the chair and sighed in relief "Thank you, Mr. Ahn" 

"A pleasure" He replied as he walked towards a cabinet that revealed a lot of wine bottles. "You want some?"

"O-oh, no. Thank you...I'll be heading back now. Thanks a lot!" 

"Just come up here anytime you want. Also, if you have problems, feel free to talk to us. From now on we're your big bros. And say Hi to Seokjin for me! Ask him to call me every once in a while, and also tell him to hang out sometimes" 

"Will do" I said as I opened the door "bye bye. Thanks a lot misters" 

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