Chapter Four | Detective

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Mark came back in the room with no expression. Which was weird because you rarely see Mark without a smile on his face. His hand was gripping his phone hard and his bottom lip was quivering.

I walked over to him and held his face in my hands, "Mark, what's wrong?"

His eyes looked glassy and he had trouble keeping his emotions in. I looked around the room and realised Haz was STILL here.

"Hey Haz, umm could you give us a moment?" I asked him.

He nods, "Yeah. I should probably check up on Harry anyway." He got up from the couch and left the room.

As soon as the door shut, Mark burst into tears. He was sobbing hysterically and I didn't know why. I led him to the couch and made him sit down.

"Mark, what's going on?"

This only made him cry harder.

"Mark. I can't help you without knowing what's going on." 

"Y-you c-ca-can't h-help. S-sh-she's g-g-g-gone." He stuttered.

I frowned, "Who's gone?"

His teary eyes met mine, "My Mum. She's dead."

It felt like all the air left my lungs. What's happening? How this happen.

"Wha-? How?"

He sniffled, "She got kidnapped yesterday. I didn't know she was taken. Dad told me she was just going to visit your Mum."

"Yesterday?" I whispered.

He nodded, "Yeah. But obviously someone got to her and they only found out now." He sobbed, "They found her body on the side of a curb, very close to your house."

Shivers ran through my body, "Her body was just... there?"

"Yes." His red eyes met mine, "Who do you think did this?"

I swallowed harshly, "I don't know but so help them because when I find out, their fate will be worse than death."

"She's gone." He sobbed, "And I couldn't do anything about it." I cradled his head and let him get it all out. 

Who did this? And why would they target Angi? She's innocent, well, all except for the fact that she married a Mobster. But even so, she had nothing to do with the Mafia life. 

"We'll find out who did this and we will torture them over and over and over again until they wish they killed themselves instead of your Mum." I said whilst stroking his head. I made him look at me with his red puffy eyes, "Go home." 

He frowned, "What about you? I can't just leave you here with them."

I gave him a small smile, "It's alright Mark. I'll be fine, your Dad needs you right now." I said remembering the feeling of when my brother died, "You need to be there for him."

He was hesitant but eventually nodded, "I'll call you as soon as I get home."

I kissed his head, "Okay."

I let go of him and he wipes his tears with his thumb. Mark tries to somewhat smile before he turned around and left the room. 

Now I was alone. Alone, sad and maybe a tiny bit scared. This was a lot to process. I am married to the asshole of Britain, my Dad left me in this place without a second thought, my best friend's Mum just died and I have no idea what the fuck is going on.

But when in doubt, search for answers... and that was what I was gonna do.

I get up from the couch and go through my bag to look for my clothes. I had to get out of this annoying dress. Changing into my jeans, top and leather jacket, I was ready to look for something, anything that would help me find out the answer. 

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