Chapter Five | Puzzles

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Of course, of course he's behind me. I swear, my luck is non-existent. 

I turn around and meet his cold brown eyes, "And why should I be scared of you?"

"Because darling, I now own half of Britain. I have power. Power is something you have that makes you stronger than others." Tom spoke to me like I was six.

I scoffed, "I know what power is asshole," His jaw clenched, "-but you should know that I own the other half of Britain and I've had it for longer."

He glared at me and I glared right back at him.

"Shit." Sam mumbled.

After some time, Tom cleared his throat, "Where are you headed to?"

"Bibulous Bar."

His eyebrows raised, "Well lucky for you darling, we happen to be heading there tonight for business. You can come along."

I chewed on my lip, "Okay, tonight it is."

Shit! This was meant to be an in and out situation. Now I had to go with a group? I can't remember the last time I had gone out with a group.

I turn on my heel and walk away, brushing past Haz. I still had the knife in my hand so I threw it to my right and heard a yelp. I smiled because I knew my aim was unmatchable... and that the boys saw that I was not a person to be messing with. 

"You just killed our gardener." Harry called out to me.

I smirk, "I know." 


Right now I was pacing around my room, deciding whether or not I should call Mark. I needed someone to come with us tonight... but his mother just died. Would I be selfish to ask him to come with me knowing that he is grieving? 

I picked up my phone and clicked on Mark's contact. Should I call him? Should I text him? Or should I not do anything at all and let him grieve?

What am I thinking!? 

I threw my phone on my ridiculously big bed and cover my face with my hands. 

"I'm so fucking selfish." I mumble, "Fuck!"

All of a sudden, the someone knocked on the grand wooden door. I whipped my head toward it and frowned, "What?"

The door slightly opened a bit and in came Harry. I relaxed a bit and dropped my hands to my side.

"What is it now Holland?" I sigh and sit down my the couch.

Harry gave me a smile small and walked up to me and sat on the couch too, "I gotta ask... how do you know so much about everything?"

I frowned at his random question but answered, "I was just raised like that."

"Well yeah... we all were, but you are next level."

I raised my brow and kept listening.

Harry abruptly stood up, "Well, for example, you hacked into Tom's computer, you know all about my brother's man-whore ways and your aim is immaculate." He faced me with a confused face, "You killed the gardener without even looking or trying and you still were able to throw your knife in his throat. How!?"

He walked up to me and kneeled down in front of me, with his hands behind his head, "Tell me. Please."

I was still in shock that Harry walked into my room and started asking about all these questions that I didn't know what to say, "I, uh. I don't know."

Harry scoffed, "Of course you know, you know everything. You just choose to keep that to yourself."

I bit the inside of my cheek and shrug, "Maybe I do, maybe I don't, what is it to you. Why do you want to know so badly, huh?"

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