Chapter Fifteen | Fun

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Warning - Fighting scene

"Okay ladies, this is how the match will start." Harrison explained, "There will be teams of three, Harry, Sam and I versus Y/n, Paddy and Mark."

I smiled and looked at Paddy and Mark, I knew they wouldn't let me down. I love winning. 

"For safety reasons, everyone will have to wear a paintball getup which basically makes it less painful when you get shot." Harry said as he showed everyone the suit, "Along with that, you must wear boots and a helmet."

"Paddy pick a colour." Sam told his brother.

Paddy smiled, "I choose blue."

Sam nodded, "Blue it is, I think we'll be red."

"Blue and red are so basic." Harry complained.

"Just like you lad." Harrison laughed.

Harry rolled his eyes and pushed Harrison slightly, "Fuck off. Are we playing or not?"

We all agreed and went off in our groups to change into our clothes. Paddy needed hep zipping up his suit and securing the belt, so I helped him. After I did, I put on my gear an holy shit. 

Why did all this gear feel so heavy? It was dragging me down like there was no tomorrow. 

"Fuck, this is heavy." Mark said once he did up all the zips and straps.

"How are we supposed to be light on our feet if we have to wear this?" I asked, trying to jump in the heavy suit. 

"It's not meant for people to be light on their feet, it's like this so there won't be bruising on our body when we get hit."

I thought back to the day before I was shipped off to this place. When it was Mark and I having fun and practising our shooting, when we rewarded ourselves for souping that guy...what was his name again?

I laughed at the memory and turned to Mark, "Hey, remember the last time we were shooting stuff back hom-," I caught myself, "Back at the old place? When you got shot 'cause you weren't paying attention?"

Mark smiled, "Ha, I remember that." He paused, "You know what, that shit hurt, I think it's good that we have protection this time."

"Like armour!" Paddy chirped up.

I laughed and pulled my hair back into a ponytail, "Yeah, kinda like armour."

Someone knocked on the door of our room, "You lads ready?" 

I looked at Mark and Paddy for confirmation and they both nodded. I turned to the door and opened it. Harrison stood on the other side, wearing the same 'armour' and carrying a helmet under his arm. 

"Yeah, we're ready."

Harrison smiled and nodded, "Okay, let's begin."


"The rules are simple." Harry explained, "It will be a game of capture the flag but with paintball. Paddy, since you picked the colour blue, your team has the blue flag, we picked red, we have the red one." He held two flags in his hand and gave the blue one to Mark. 

"You have to protect your flag with your life...theoretically." Sam continued, "We all have ten paintballs each, so make them count." He warned, "Once you are out of paintballs and you get shot, you're out and must wait behind the bulletproof glass until the game finally ends."

"How do you win?" Mark asked.

"You win by capturing the opposing team's flag and running back to your team's territory, or - you could win by being the last one standing."

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