Chapter Twelve | Getaway

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"Go, go, go." Harrison yelled as he ran after Tom and I. 

I am so stupid, why did I do that?

I felt a the wind of a bullet whoosh past my ear. My heart quickened its pace and I didn't dare turn my head back.

"Give us the pill little girl." Someone yelled.

A painting of my father was perched up on the wall. The frame was made of mahogany wood and it was very expensive. I unhooked it from the wall quickly and threw it behind me.

Tom dodged it and it hit some mobsters from Brazil and Italy. 

"Run, get out of here!" Sam yelled behind us. 

I knew there would be guards blocking the exits so I tried thinking quick, where would we be able to escape?

Oh, of course. 

I grabbed Tom's hand and stopped running. He looked at me, confused, "What are you doing?"

I looked at the madness behind us, "Do you trust me?"

His eyes went wide, "What?!"

"Do you trust me?" I repeated. He looked around, looking for an answer. He needed to hurry, "Thomas!"

"Okay, yes, yes. Alright, I trust you for now." He sighed.

"I'll take it." 

I pulled on his hand and ran into my room. Tom frowned, "What are we doing back in here?"

I opened the window of my room and looked down at the river, very far down from my room. I've never jumped into it, I don't even know if it's deep enough or not, but we're desperate. 

Harry, Sam and Harrison came in the room and barricaded the door, my heart sank, "Where's Mark?"

The looked at each other before Harrison spoke up, "He was getting in an argument with his father, so we decided to leave him."

My eyes widened, "You did WHAT?" I looked at Tom, "I've got to go after him."

He shook his head, "No, you can't. They'll kill you."

"They'll kill him."

"He would've wanted you to leave, go to safety." Harry said.

I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose, "Okay, fine. His father doesn't hate him so I'm sure he'll be okay."

"So what do we do now?" Sam asked.

I pointed to the open window, "Jump."

"I'm sorry what?" Tom asked, looking at the height we were at.

"You're joking." Sam said and shook his head.

"No way am I jumping that." Harrison muttered.

"Come again?" Harry asked, not believing what I was asking of them. 

"Basically-," I said, walking back and getting a head start, "Stay here and die, or-," I said running towards the window, "Jump." I tucked my knees to my chest and jumped out the window. 

I wanted to scream, but I couldn't. I was too focused on landing in the water to think about how scared I was. The water was below me before I knew it, so I held my breath and plummeted in the water. 

I swam up to the surface and got out of the river and looked up at my bedroom window, "Come on guys." I was dripping wet and the outfit Harry picked out for me was ruined. 

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