Chapter Three | Greetings

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Great... Just great.

My Father and Rufus just drove off, leaving me here. Alone. With a bunch of idiots.

"Y/n, you okay?" My best friend asked me.

Oh, and Mark. 

Mr. Holland walked out of his office with Tom by his side, "Who's this young man?" He asked pointing to Mark.

"Mark Rowland. Y/n's right-hand man." Mark said giving Mr. Holland a small smile. 

"Rowland? As in the Rowland Mob?" 

Mark nodded, "Yes sir. My Father's Mob."

A guard approached Mr. Holland and whispered something to him. Mr. Holland nodded at the guard and turned to us again, "I'm needed somewhere else. Please, make yourselves at home." 

"Home my ass." I mumbled.

Tom cleared his throat, "So love, care to explain who this is?" He pointed at Mark.

I rolled my eyes, "Are you deaf Holland? He explained who he was."

"No, he explained he was your right-hand man, he didn't explain the relationship that you two have."

"He's my best friend." I deadpanned.

Mark looked at me and smiled, "Sure am."

Tom opened his mouth to say something was was cut off by someone, "Hey mate. Ricky's waiting for your answer." A guy with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes said, walking towards us.

He saw Mark and I and smiled, "Is this your wife?"

Tom rolled his eyes, "Unfortunately."

I scoffed, "You act as if I want to be married to you."

That caught him off-guard, "Don't you?"

Mark laughed beside me and I opened my mouth in shock. Was this guy alright in the head? 

"No you idiot. I don't want to marry you. Why on Earth would you think that?"

He shrugged, "I'm Tom Holland."

"And I'm Y/n Y/l/n, no one gives a shit."

The blonde guy clasped his hands together, "Well this is amazing." He looked at me and held his hand out for me to shake, "Harrison Osterfield, but you can call me Haz."

I took his hand and smiled.

"Haz!" Tom exclaimed, "Only your friends call you Haz, and she is not a friend."

"Well no." He gave me a mischievous smile, "She's your wife."

Mark laughed beside me, "Who are you?"

"I'm T-," He started but got cut off.

"He's MY right-hand man." Tom said possessively.

"The only think we have in common." I commented.

"Yeah?" He raised his brow, "Well sorry to break it to you darling but Mark here has to go." Tom said pointing at Mark.

I scoffed, "I'm sorry but who made you the boss of MY right-hand man?"


"Okay, wow." I expressed at his audacity, "Mark is not going anywhere and you're not gonna make him."

Tom shook his head, "He has to go, he's a guy."

I pointed at Haz, "So is he!"

"Yeah but he's my best friend." 

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