Chapter Thirteen | Accompany

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"You, you and you." Tom said pointing to three of his men, "Barricade the fucking doors, no one can get in or come out. You understand?"

The men nodded, "Right away sir." They scurried off to... barricade the doors?

I sighed and looked back at the front door where the boys were just coming in, "Thomas, don't you think this is a bit...much?"

He ignored me and and continued giving out orders, "Adam, I want the security cameras on at all times and inform me if even the slightest thing moves outside, got it?"

Adam nodded, "Done." He walked away to the security room. 

I sighed and grabbed his shoulders, "Thomas." He was facing away from me so I grabbed his chin and made him look at me.

His eyes widened and so did mine. My hand cupped his jaw and his hands instinctively went to my waist. We were both still damp from the lake.

But we were inches apart. 

His mouth opened slightly, "What's wrong Y/n?"

I cleared my throat, "Why are you doing all this? Isn't it a bit much?"

He shook his head, "Nothing is ever enough. Especially not when your life is on the line."

I whispered, "Thomas, why do you care so much? You hate me."

Tom smiled slightly, "Because Y/n, I do happen to care about you...even though I hate you."

I tried not to smile, "But just before you said you didn't hate me, I was just trying to bait you."

He rolled his eyes and tightened his grip on my waist, "Well I do hate you, but I just happen to care for you as well."

My heart fluttered slightly as he looked at me with such admiration in his eyes that it made me want to melt, "I hate you too, very much."

He smirked, "Oh yeah? How much is that?"

I swallowed slightly and felt shivers make its way onto my body, tingling my skin. 

I frowned, wait what? 

No. No. No. This can't be right, I can't feel like this about Tom, I won't.

I blinked and realised that he leaned forward slightly, with everything in the world telling me I shouldn't pull away from him, I did.

I took my hand from his jaw and broke his grasp from my waist. He seemed confused but brushed down his wet shirt in embarrassment. I hated that I had to do that.

I cleared my throat, "I'm gonna take a shower."

I expected him to make a dirty or risky joke, but he didn't. He just nodded, "Take as long as you need."

I sighed and walked away from him, my hand gripping onto the stupid pill that got us in this mess. I looked at it and grunted, throwing it out one of the open windows and watched it fly across the backyard. 

So much for that. 

I instantly felt lighter and happier when disposing of that, almost as if I was getting rid of something that placed a bad omen upon me. 

"Y/n, Y/n." 

Speaking of bad omen. 

I turned around and Tom running up behind me. I stood there quietly, waiting for what he had to say. 

My heart raced, what was he going to say?

"Yes?" I asked.

Tom cleared his throat and looked at me sheepishly, "I have a gala to attend tomorrow in Rio. The boys and I are going on my private jet, the gala is to support the Owen family for officially making their mob classified as one." He paused, "I assume you remember Jeremy Owen?"

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