Chapter Fifteen

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"Your still with Malfoy." Harry said setting down the note from last night. "After he killed Dumbledore?" Harry shouted. "Snape did it. Not Draco!" I shouted back. "You left before you could see it." I said taking the note from Draco back from Harry. We all went silent as we started way to Hogwarts. "Neville can just us in Hogwarts, but it's a disaster in there. Be careful." Harry said as we follow Neville through the dark tunnels. Once we arrived at Hogwarts i see what Harry meant. It was a disaster in here. 

Everyone was called down to great hall. "If anyone knows where Potter is, come forth." Snape said walking down the aisle of students. Harry stepped out and everyone gasped. "He trusted you!" Harry yelled. As soon as we knew it ciaos broke out and Harry and I went to find the last Horcrux. As we stepped into the room of requirements I remember it being clutter, but it seemed more cluttered now. We heard footsteps behind us and I turned to see Draco, Blasie, and Goyle. My heart skipped a beat. "Lizzy.." Draco said lower his wand. "What the hell are you doing here?" Draco ran up to me giving me hug. "I'm fighting." I said. "Your nose is bleeding." Draco took his sleeve and wiped the blood from my nose. "I'm fine." I said sniffing and and wiping my nose. "I got it!" Harry shouted. Draco pointed his wand to harry. "Draco!" I shouted stepping in front of it. "Let harry destroy it, He can end this, Please." I begged and Draco eventually lowered his wand. We all scatter out of the room.

-The next morning-

We all stood outside waiting for Harry to return. "Guys!" Neville shouted as Voldemort was followed upon his followers. "Harry Potter is dead!" He shouted. Ron, Hermoine and I began to cry. Draco looked at his parents then slowly moved towards me. "Please be safe Lizzy." Draco kissed my forehead as his parents called for him. He slowly walked over and Narcissa grabbing his hand. In the blink of an eye Harry rolled out of Hagrid's arms and everyone gasped, some even cheering. As a fight broke loose I saw my brother run towards me and Draco escape the view of his parents watching me closely. "Avada Kedavra!" I turned to see a green light coming towards me. "LIZZY!"  Draco shouted. I fell to ground and screamed as I realised what was happening. "Carlisle!" I shouted crying harder than I've ever cried. Draco rushed over to me holding me close to him as I cried. Narcissa and Lucius walked over grabbing draco's arms and vanished into black smoke. We were back at the manor now and all you could hear were my screams. No one said anything, Narcissa and Lucius didn't know what had happened yet. "Carlisle is dead." Draco said looking at his mother still holding me close as I cried on the ground. Narcissa put a hand over mouth grabbing Lucius' arm. "We have to go back." I said wiping away my tears. "I can't just leave everyone behind." I said begging Draco to take me back. 

"Watch out!" I scream running in front of Hermoine. I saw the light flash before my eyes. I was dead. "Wheres Lizzy?" Draco said running over to the trio. Hermoine looked at Draco in tears. "No, No! Lizzy? Lizzy wake up, please wake up." Draco said holding me in his arms as he cried for me to come back. "This is all my fault." Draco said stroking my pale face. The trio bent down with Draco and cried. "Beth is dead." Harry said is disbelief.

Draco would cry everyday for months, blaming himself for my death

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Draco would cry everyday for months, blaming himself for my death. I watched over him and I wanted him to see me as I did him. I wanted hold him in my arms. Maybe we should have never went back, I'd still be here, but Hermoine would wouldn't be. Now Draco would marry some random girl chosen by his father and have children. Never speak my name again, but tell his son or daughter stories of the girl he once knew. He still think about me, about what our life could have been. He won't ever smile or laugh the same he did when I was still around. He'll find one of old sweaters or a picture of us and cry. He'll miss me more than you could ever miss someone. He'll write me letters then stuff them in a box. He'll read old letters I sent him so long ago. His children will find a picture of me and ask who the girl in the picture was. Draco who cry and say "that's the girl who was my beautiful end, and I was hers." Draco wouldn't say a thing to his wife, he didn't love her, he didn't want to marry her, but he couldn't love anyone but me. He'll miss me but knows he'll see me again someday and I'll be waiting arms open.

"Lizzy!" Draco said shaking me awake. I jumped up almost gasping for air reaching for the lamp. "Bad dream?" Draco asked pulling me into a hug. I took a deep breath and collected my thoughts. "Sad one actually, Carlisle had died and then-" Draco cut me off with a worried expression. "Carlisle is gone Lizzy.." Draco said kissing y forehead. "You passed out after I told you we weren't going back. Everyone is okay now. Voldemort is dead." Draco said running his fingers through my long hair. I looked at Draco and kissed him. "I died. In y dream i died Draco and I had to watch you live your life in misery." I said as a tear dripped down my face. Draco wiped it off and laid back down with me still in his arms. He held me close all night. "I love you Lizzy Beth." Draco whispered as we fell back asleep.

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