Chapter Eleven

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Hermoine and I stayed up all night in the girls dorms talking almost every night after the breakup. She tried her best to keep my mind of Draco, but I couldn't help but think what I did wrong. It's been 2 months, its aso the end of October. "Do you think he hates me?" I asked looking up at Hermoine. "Do you hate him?" Hermoine asked me not answering my question. "No, well yes but no, I still love him." I said wiping the new tears of my cheek. "Everything will be okay, you don't need a guy like Malfoy anyway. You'll find someone new Beth." Hermoine said slowly dozing off to sleep. I stopped talking and let her sleep, we had classes in the morning so i tired to sleep. I probably slept 2 hours before we started getting for the day. I got dressed and slipped on my robe. The trio and I walked down to breakfast. Ron made a face when he saw me. "Ronald!" Hermoine whispered pushing him to stop staring. "I know I look awful, it's okay." I said pulling my hair into a ponytail. We all sat down at the table and I rested my head down. I wasn't hungry and I didn't want to take the chances of seeing a certain someone.  As we walked to Mcgonagall's class, Transfiguration, I kept my head down not wanting people to notice how horrible I looked. I took a seat next to Hermoine and Ron sat next to harry in front of us. I noticed Blaise and Draco sit at the table next to us. "Great." I mumbled putting my face to the table. Hermoine looked over and saw what i did. "Don't even pay attention to him." Hermoine said pulling the hood of y robe of my head so you could see my hair. "Miss Salvatore, head up please!" Mcgonagall said walking into class. I lifted my head up as everyone turned to look at me. Out of the corner of my eye i saw Draco give a rather sad facial expression. I turned to look at him, I shouldn't of but I did. we made eye contact then i opened my mouth with anger. "Go to hell Draco." I said as i gathered my things to leave. I walked out of class with everyone staring as tears took over my face. I heard footsteps behind me. "Go away Hermoine!" I shouted not looking back I kept going until I reached the bathroom, I fell to the floor crying. "Beth..?" A voice said, i looked up to see someone i didn't expect to see. "What do you want Malfoy?" I said tucking my head back into my arms. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry but I did what I did to protect you." Draco said crouching down to my level on the floor. "Protect me from what? You say you love me then leave me!" I shouted lifting my head up with tears stinging my face still. "I do love you Beth." Draco said looking down at the floor. "You have a funny way of showing it then, last time I checked hen you love someone you don't leave them!" I shouted back starting quiet then getting louder. "Fine you wanna know what I was trying to keep you from!" Draco stood up and pulled back his sleeve revealing the dark mark. I looked up at his forearm and shook my head. "No, No." I whispered standing up to reach for his hand. "You didn't;'t want this. They made you do it didn't they? Didn't they?" I said rolling his sleeve back down and hugging him. "I'm sorry for everything I said." I whispered. "Don't say sorry, I was just trying to protect you from it, I didn't want you find out because I knew you try to but in and end up joining, Promise me you won't." Draco said grabbing my face. "I promise. I've missed you Draco." I said jumping back into his arms crying. "I missed you more, do you know how hard it was to see you upset everyday knowing its my fault." Draco whispered in my ear. We both sat on the bathroom floor and talked about random things and apologized back and forth. I didn't even care we were in a bathroom, just to be close to him made me feel so much better. I don't remember it but I feel asleep and Draco carried me back to his bed. We skipped the rest of classes that day even though we just say we got ill or make up an excuse. I woke up in the middle of the night to Draco asleep next me. I didn't want to leave but I got up trying not to wake anyone. Draco grabbed arm pulling me back to him. "I have to go." I whispered trying not to laugh. "Too bad, your staying." Draco whispered back as i fell back next to him. He pulled me close to him and intertwined his hand in mine. I fell back asleep shortly after. The next morning I woke to Draco tickling my feet. "Quit it!" I said kicking my feet. I sat up and looked at Draco who was already dressed. "Better get going Lizzy Beth, class starts in 30 minutes." Draco laughed as my face turn pale. I gathered my things and sprinted to Gryffindor common. "There you are!" Hermoine said turning to me. I got dressed and walked with Hermoine to class. "Where did you go yesterday?" Hermione asked as I pulled my hair back, not having time to brush it. "Well long story, I'll you later." I said walking into Potions. "You seem, happy." Hermoine said taking a seat next to Ron. I went to sit next to Harry but Draco pulled my waist to sit next to him. Harry raised his eyebrows and tapped Hermione shoulder pointing to Draco and I. "That explains her good mood." Hermoine mumbled as Snape walked into the room. He raised his eyebrows at Draco and I. "Even Snape knows somethings up." Harry laughed. 

My Beautiful EndOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora