Chapter Six

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Draco and I were heading back to Hogwarts today. It's been 3 days since the Malfoys had taken me from my awful family. As we stepped onto the train I saw my brother sitting with other 6th years. he gave me a look I've never seen before. As if we was happy to see me. Draco grabbed my hand as we walked to a seat. Draco shut the small doors and sat down next to me. "Are you glad to be going back?" Draco asked as he laid his head on my lap. "Quite excited." I smiled but it faded once i realized I had to tell the trio about Draco and I. We arrived to Hogwarts a couple hours later. I saw the trio walk into Gryffindor common. I gave Draco a small kiss on the cheek and ron towards the common. "Beth!" Hermoine shouted giving me a hug. "How was your holidays?" Harry asked. My smile was gone and I quickly faked a new a one. "It was great, how about you?" I said changing the subject. I was going to wait for the right time to tell them about my new boyfriend. Hermoine and i went to the girls dorm to unpack. Later that night everyone had went to sleep but the trio and I sat by the light of the fire and talked. "What's that?" Hermoine pointed to the golden necklace hanging around my neck. It must have fallen out of shirt. "Oh, it was a gift." I said tucking the snake necklace into y shirt once more. "From who? Who would give you a snake necklace?" Harry said setting down his book. "I'm going to tell you guys something, please don't be angry with me." I took my necklace out and began to fiddle with it. "Well go on Beth." Ron said sitting up. "I'm dating someone, fro slytherin." I said looking up at them. "Who?" Hermoine asked looking rather excited. I took a deep breath. "Draco." I said turning red. Harry's jaw dropped and Hermione's expression changed quickly. "Malfoy? Of all the people in the school your with Malfoy?" Ron said looking at Hermoine and Harry. I looked back p for the floor. "I'm sorry." I said. "Seriously Beth? Malfoy, I bet hes a death eater like his father. You'll end up like him." harry said. "You don't know him like I do, He actually very nice to me." I said in an angry tone. "Whatever Elizabeth." Harry stood up and walked into his dorms with Ron. Hermoine didn't anything and just walked to her bed. I couldn't believe they reacted like that. I thought at least they would still talk to me. 

I put on my uniform and went down to the great hall for breakfast. I sat away from the trio, they didn't want to talk to me let alone have breakfast with me. "Lizzy Beth?" Someone tapped my shoulder. "draco." I said turning around. "Why are you sitting alone?" Draco asked taking a seat next to me. "We're not exactly on speaking terms at the moment." I smiled at Draco pushing my food aside. "Your not going to eat?" Draco asked. "Sorry, I'm not really hungry this morning." I replied. "Quit apologizing." Draco pulled me closer to him in a hug. He locked eyes with Harry and made a face. "Do you want me to-" I cut Draco off with a sudden "No!" before he could finish. He laughed and let go of me. We walked into potions class and I ended up sitting next to Draco, behind Harry and Hermoine. "Turn your books to page 394." Professor Snape said walking to the front of the class. As Harry turned around grabbing his book he stopped to look at me. "Quit staring Potter!" Draco scoffed, I nudged his arm telling him to knock it off. Draco rolled his eyes and flipped to the page. "Miss Salvatore, Gregory's Unctuous Unction. What is it?" Snape put his hands on the desk and stared at me. "Gregory's Unctuous Unction is a potion that was invented by Gregory the Smarmy, It causes the drinker to believe that whoever gave the potion to them is their best friend." I said backing away from Snape. "Very good, you are to write a twelve-inch long essay on the values of moonstone is potion making. My desk by tomorrow." Snape walked back up to the front of class and went on and on about potions with moonstone. "Twelve-inches long! You got to be bloody kidding me." I heard Ron whispered to Harry. I held back my laugh knowing he would be up all night writing it. Draco was quiet most of class, he would look at me every now and then a smile. 

I grabbed my thing and headed out of the common as the trio walked in. I thought they were going to be working on their essay togethers so I went to library with Draco. "Where do we even start?" I said pulling out my quill. "Values of Moonstone." Draco chuckled. "haha, very funny." I rolled my eyes. "You gotta be kidding me." I said slamming my book to the table. "hmm?" Draco looked up and saw what I was looking at. The trio sat at the table across from us. "Do you want to leave?" Draco whispered into my ear. "It's fine, I can't avoid the forever Draco." I said opening up my book. I began to write the essay until someone tapped my shoulder. "Elizabeth." I turned to see my brother standing behind me. "Carlisle? What do you want?" I asked looking at him confused. my brother has never, ever, talked to me at school. I looked at Draco who now had all focus on me. "It's father. I know you not one to care now but he's been killed." Carlisle grabbed my hand and i stood up to hug him as tears got on my face. After everything my father put me through i still loved him. We had happy memories before the sad ones. I was once very close to my father. Draco stood up as Carlisle took me into his arms, making sure i was okay. Even my brother, the boy never shows emotion, cried with me. Out of the coroner of my eye I saw the trio stop a stare. 

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