Chapter Ten

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The week Draco and I spent together was the best. We played games, talked, went for walks, I even convinced him to go swimming with me once. "Write to me when you make it home." I said throwing my arms over Draco's neck. "I will." He said letting go of me. "I love you." Draco added as he walked to the car. "I love you too." I said and shut the door as he pulled out of my driveway. "Back to the miserable life?" Carlisle laughed. "It's not miserable, i just wish he could stay with me forever." I said brushing past y brother. "Someone's in love, I could honestly see you to getting married." Carlisle walked back up stairs. I let his words go through mind, I never thought about spending the rest of life with him. It kinda just always felt like we would. 

-Draco's POV-

"Hows Elizabeth?" My mother asked as I walked inside the manor. "She's well, we had a nice week." I replied as i set down my bag. "That's good, 2 days. 2 more days Draco, you must prepare yourself." My mother added looking up from her book. I shook y head and headed upstairs. I didn't want to be like them. "Lizzy..." my voice trailed off as i mumbled to myself. "She won't be safe with me." I thought. 

I walked down stairs the night I was being forced to give up my life for something I didn't want. "No hesitations Draco." My father said looking at me with his cold eyes. "Yes father." I said taking a seat next to him. I saw him and my heart starting beating fast. Voldemort was sitting at the end of the table. Once an introduction was made y parents and I walked over to Voldemort. I screamed as the mark appeared on my forearm. It burned so much and I had no choice. I cried silently almost all night. I wanted her to hold me in her arms and tell e I was okay, tell me everything would be okay, even if it was a lie. I won't ever let her end up like this, with this awful curse, if i leave i can protect her. I have to stay away from her, to keep her safe. "I love you Lizzy Beth." I mumbled into my pillows. 

-Beth's POV-

"He hasn't written to me in a week Car." I said pacing my bedroom. "Maybe hes busy?" Carlisle said pulling a book out from my shelf. "Don't you have those meetings, the death eaters meetings at the Manor? have you seen him." I asked taking the book from my brother. "I haven't been to a meeting all summer Beth." Carlisle said snatching the book back. I sighed and flopped down at my desk to write another letter to Draco. 

"Hey, it's me again. I wish you'd write back to me, i miss you Draco. Please write back. XoXo Lizzy Beth." 

I sent the letter off hoping he'd return one back. I waited weeks, but weeks turn into months and months turn into all summer. I waited all summer for a letter and I never got one. My brother hasn't been to any meetings this summer so i can't even know if hes okay. "Beth?" I turned to see my mother holding a small box. I hoped it was form Draco but I was wrong. "For your 6th year." My mother said handing me the box. I opened the box to see a beautiful locket. "I love it." I said opening it. "Feel free to put a picture inside." My mother hugged me and continued with her reading. I put the locket on, I wouldn't put anything inside until I decided on a picture. We'd be going back to school soon and I was happy knowing I could see Draco, I would ask him why he stopped replying and then it would a simple answer and we'd hug each other and go though our 6th year. 

-2 weeks later-

"Beth! Lets go we're gonna be late!" My brother shouted. I rushed down the stairs and into the car as my mother drove to the platform. "Have a good year!" She said hugging my brother and I. We boarded the train and I look around for Draco but lost sight as the trio pulled into a compartment. "Oh my gosh! I missed you guys!" I said giving everyone a hug. "How was your summer?" Harry asked. We all replied sharing our stories from summer. I left out all the sad parts of mine. Like my mothers breakdowns, Draco ignoring me, and the time i spent crying. A couple hours into the ride Blaise approached the compartment. "Beth?" He said opening the small doors. "Blaise? Can I help you?" I asked setting down the book i was reading. "It's Draco, hes been oddly silent. Can you try to speak to him?" Blaise asked me, I stood up without hesitation and follow blaise to where he sat with Draco and Goyle. I looked at Draco and tapped his arm. He looked at me quickly then smiled a bit but it faded. I grabbed his arm pulling him to an empty space of the train. "You ignored me all summer! Why?" I asked i a angry tone. "Lizy Beth..." Draco's voice trailed off as tears formed in his eyes. "I'm...I'm breaking up with you." Draco said looking to the side. I grabbed his face as I felt my heart drop. "What?" I asked quietly letting tears slip y face. "You heard me Beth, we're over." Draco arched back to his compartment and I could tell he was holding back tears. I ran back to the trio in tears. "Beth! Are you alright?" Hermoine asked grabbing my shoulders and hugging me. I fell to the ground as she did with me. "He left me Hermoine.." I said in between tears. Ron's eyes widened and looked at Harry. "He what? alfoy broke up with you?" Hermoine said looking at me. I shook my head as tears streamed down my cheeks.

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