Chapter Two

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"Lizzy Beth? Really, that's honestly such a absurd name!" Hermoine ranted on and on about what I told her happened the other day. "he even made fun of your idea of cursing!" Ron added running up to us. "I wouldn't exactly say made fun of, more of corrected." I looked at Ron who was eating some sort of candy. "Where's Harry?" Hermoine looked around as we entered the great hall. "I think he got summoned by Dumbledore." Ron stated as we took a seat. Hermoine shook her head then smiled. "I think someone's got their eye on you Beth." Hermoine look at me nodding her head for me to look back. "Sorry, I already told you, I'm focusing on school this year. My mother won't be happy if I keep forgetting to turn things in." I said taking out the homework from last night. "As she finishes her homework from last night." Ron laughed. "No, and for your information Ron, I'm making sure everything is correct." I placed the paper back in my bag and began to eat breakfast. 

I grabbed a book and sat down with the trio. "What's the project now?" Harry asked me as i opened the book. "Sorry Harry, No project I'm just studying." I smiled at harry then continued reading. "I have quidditch practice, I'll you guys later!" harry got up and left the library with Ron. Hermione left shortly after, she had to meet with professor Mcgonagall about a piece of homework. "So all alone are we?" A voice said and then I watched as Draco took the seat next to me. "I wouldn't necessarily say I'm alone Draco." I set my book down to see what he wanted. "Can I help you with something?" I asked sitting up in the chair i was slouching in. "Forbidden forest 7 o'clock, tonight." Draco smirked then stood up. "that's not aloud!" I said giving Draco a worried look. "We'll be fine. Just show up okay." Draco looked at me and i felt chills go up my arms. 

I pulled over a red sweater Mrs. Weasley made for me last year and headed off to forest. I hated to do it but something told me I should. "Draco? Draco? Malfoy?" I whispered around the forest holding my wand up for light. "Ahh!" I scream as someone grabbed my arm. "Shush Lizzy Beth, someone might hear you." Draco laughed letting go of my arm. "Sorry, but that wasn't funny!" I said smacking Dracos arm. "No need to get violent Lizzy Beth." Draco said tilting his head. "Sorry."  I was glad Draco couldn't see the redness on my face. "Stop apologizing would you! I told you it's annoying, plus you didn't even do anything wrong." Draco got close to me then grabbed my hand. "Where are we going?" I asked as we ran through the forest. "Its a surprise, just stay close." Draco said as he helped me over a giant tree root. "You made me sneak out to see a pond?" I looked at Draco rather annoyed. "Just watch." Draco smiled then mumbled something under his breath, as he did so stones appeared across the pond then a small gazebo. My eyes widen as we stepped upon the stones to reach the gazebo. "Sorry, but where did you learn to do such things?" I asked looking around in amazement. "Anyone can find it, you just have to know the right words." Draco grabbed my hand and started swaying me around, we had began to dance. "Teach me, teach me how." I said smiling. "No can do, I'm far to busy." Draco smirked while spinning me around. "With what may i ask?" I smirked back. "Making sure your studying doesn't eat you alive." Draco laughed.  i shook my head and looked at Draco who was probably a foot taller than me. "I'm not sure what your trying to do here Draco but, I'm sorry, I am too be focusing on school this year, not boys." I blushed then looked down. "Why would you even want to talk with a Gryffindor girl, especially me?" I asked. "Because Lizzy Beth, there's something about you I don't know what it is but i like it. Plus I love your dark hair." Draco smiled and laughed. "So the jerk and the goody two shoes?" I laughed. "I'm not a jerk!" Draco puffed. "Sorry, but I'm not wrong." I grabbed Draco's hands as we walked back inside Hogwarts. I quietly snuck into bed without waking anyone. I pulled out my diary and began to write. 

"My mother would have a fit if she saw me right now. I snuck out with no one other than Draco Malfoy, biggest jerk I've ever met. I think he likes me, he doesn't seem to like anyone whos not in slytherin, and even then your lucky. So why me? Why the goody two shoes, shy Gryffindor girl? I wonder he would still like me if he knew y past. My history. The things i've been threw, will go threw, and going through. I like Draco, I always have, I seem some of myself in him, things I think we might share in common. I don't have time for him, I need to focus on my studies. I got a letter from my parents the other night. We're going to one of their friends houses for the holidays. I've never been. I love my parents because no matter what they do to me their still my mother and father, but I can't stand them sometimes. I go home next week, I'll write soon Xo Xo Beth Odette"

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