Chapter Three

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"Have a nice holiday!" Hermoine shouted as I walked off the train towards my parents. I waved and then felt a different kind of wave, the one that hangs over your body, making you sad. "Elizabeth! I assume your studies are well?" My mother gave me a small hug and my father stares at me. Both of my parents were in slytherin, I'm the disappointment, the pathetic one. My older brother, Carlisle, was the golden child. The perfect son, perfect student. he was in slytherin, was top of his class and even captain of the quidditch team. "I expect you to be on your best behavior when we arrive, Elizabeth." My mother shot a glance at me as if I was a bad kid. "Yes mother." I smiled. Once we arrived to the huge dark mansion my family and I walked up to the door. "Hello Mave!" The women at the door hugged my mother in a tight hug. We all stepped inside and my mother moved my hair behind my shoulders. Their house elves took out jackets and we al said our hellos. "This is my son, Carlisle, and my daughter, Elizabeth." My mother pulled my brother and I forward to shake hands with the women. "Lovely to meet you." She smiled. "my son will be down any second." The women said, as I heard footsteps behind me and i turned my head. "Lizzy Beth?" said the boy on the stairs. "Draco?" I stood up in shock. "This is his house?" I thought to myself. "You two know each other?" My mother said looking at Mrs. Malfoy. "We're in the same class, yes." Draco said standing next to his mother now. Draco looked rather relieved to see me, but then confused. We all walked into the dining room for dinner. I sat across from Draco, my brother next to me. "So Draco, How did you meet Elizabeth?" My mother asked looking at Draco with a smile. "I don't quite remember, crossed paths a couple times." Draco said looking at his father. I smiled and then my brother kicked my leg under the table. "Bloody hell Car!" I shouted dropping my water for a brief moment. "Elizabeth!" My mother shouted in response. "Sorry mother, I'll clean it." i said grabbing a napkin. After dinner Draco was to show Carlisle and I our rooms. My father grabbed my wrist before i could follow behind. Draco and my brother stopped in the middle of the staircase to wait for me watching as my father yelled at me. I held back my tears until I turned, no longer facing my father I let tears slip down my cheeks not making any noise. Draco looked worried but i ignored it. "Lizzy Beth, your room." Draco said. "Its Elizabeth." Carlisle huffed walking into the room next to mine. I rolled my eyes walking into the room. "Thank you Draco." I said then going to shut the door. "Are you alright?" Draco put his hand in the doorway. "I'm fine." I said smiling. I knew he didn't believe me but I didn't want him to know the truth. "Can we talk Lizzy?" Draco asked opening the door all the way. "Sure." I said moving so he could walk into the room. "Why are you here? Of all people your the last person i expected to be here." Draco said as i shut the door. "Sorry, I can't tell you Draco." I said wiping the tears of my face from earlier. "y parents have know your family for a while, at least my mother has. She as a picture of your mother and father hanging in the hallway. Tell me Lizzy Beth." Draco said grabbing my hand. "My parents are death eaters, so is my brother." I said biting my lip to not cry. Draco's eyes widened. "You're a gryffindor though, how?" Draco asked. "I'm the disappointment child, thats why im constantly apologizing, I'm never enough." I tried so hard to hold back tears but they came crashing in anyway. "Come here." Draco pulled my to his chest as I cried. I told Draco everything about my family. What they did to me when I was sorted into gryffindor, how they'd hit me and treat my brother like a royal, scream at me when their angry. "It doesn't matter what I do, I'm never enough, i never will be!" I shouted not too loud. "Your enough Lizzy." Draco said sitting my down on the bed. "They don't care about me Draco, no one does." I said wondering why I was telling him all this. "I do. I care about you Lizzy Beth." Draco said that looking down then up at me. "Draco, I told you i had to focus on my studies, my mother would-" Draco cut me off with a kiss. "Don;t worry about them, they can't hurt you here." Draco said moving his head away. I was bright red with embarrassment. "I'm sorry." I said messing with my fingers. "Quit apologizing." Draco grabbed my hands. "You didn't do anything wrong." He added. I looked into Draco's grey eyes and kissed him back. "No, I'm sorry i pushed you away, I pretended to not like you in fear of my mother." I said. My door swung open and I back up to end of my bed. "Are you snogging him?" Carlisle scoffed looking at me then Draco. "Were just talking Carlisle, go away." I said staring at my brother. "No bother, Mother and father would like to speak with you." Carlisle said grabbing my wrist. "You don't have to upll me!" I shouted as we got into the hallway. Draco followed behind saying he had to talk with his mother, which isn't true. he was making sure i wasn't being injured. "Elizabeth." My mother said looking at me. I watched as draco stared at me from the doorway watching as the doors closed. It was just my family and I in the small living room. "We know you took it." my father said standing up. "took what? I didn't take anything." I said trying to remain calm. "Liar!" My brother shouted pulling a necklace from my pocket. My eyes grew big seeing my brother hold my mothers priceless necklace in his hands. "I-I didn't take it!" I shouted as my brother handed it to my mother. Carlisle then pulled me by my sweater to stand. "You little thieving liar! You're so ungrateful!" My mother shouted as she flicker her cold hand upon my face. I reached for my wand but my brother shouted "Expelliarmus!" and my wand shot across the room. "Your a disgrace to the Salvatore name!" My father shouted in my face. I waited for one of the malfoys to bust through the door, but they never came. "They can't hear you Elizabeth." My brother laughed. y family left the room leaving y sit on the floor alone. I silently cried until someone walked in. "Lizzy Beth? Are you okay?" Draco rushed over to see my bruised eye, it was swollen horribly. Draco whipped out his wand and mumble some words. "It will still be bruised but the swelling has left." Draco brush the hair off my face. "I didn't hear anything." He added. "They spelled it so you couldn't." I began to cry again and Draco pulled me close to him. It felt nice. Just him and I by the fire. The pain in my eye didn't stop me from being happy in that exact moment. I finally had what i wanted most., The boy who annoyed me for 3 years straight.

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