Chapter Four

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"I said I'd write again soon, so this is me writing again. apparently my parents are close friends with the malfoys, so Draco is here with me. I had a indent with my family last night. I think my brother snuck the necklace into my pocket when he hugged me earlier. y mother was so angry with me. My eye is bruised it was worse but Draco did some charm to heal it. Oh Draco and i kissed. I don't know if were anything or if it was just a kiss. I know he cares for me but my friends hate him. He's fairly kind to me though, He was the first person i've told about my family, I thinks it's because i feel safe with him. I like him, I would hope he likes me as well. XoXo Beth"

"Oh my lord, what happened to your eye Elizabeth?" Narcissa asked as I sat down for breakfast. I stared at my mother and father. "She must have fallen again, she sleeps walks sometimes." My father said giving me a look i remember all too well. I quickly looked at narcissa and Lucius. "I'm sorry." I said faking a smile. Draco instantly shot a glance at me, he didn't say anything but i could tell he wanted to. Carlisle looked at Draco was had his eyes focused on mine. "mother?" Carlisle said smirking at me. I had a confused looked on my face. "I think I saw Draco and Elizabeth snogging last night." My brother had  a sinister look on his face. Lucius looked at Draco with dead eyes. "We were talking, that was all." I said holding back the truth. "Well lately Elizabeth you've been a horrible daughter, stealing my jewelry and now snogging with our hosts' son?" my other said eyes widening at me. "We were just talking! And i told you mother i didn't take your necklace." I replied throwing my fork on my plate. "How did it end up in your pocket then Elizabeth?" My mother put her hands on the table. Draco shot a glance to his father who was shaking his head. "She is telling the truth, we were just talking." Draco looked at my mother. 

After Breakfast I went back to my room and laid on the bed just staring up at the ceiling. I didn't even realized Draco had walked in until he laid next to me. "Oh sorry!" i jumped up to move over. "Your fine Lizzy Beth." Draco laughed. "Sorry for the way my mother behaved at breakfast." I sighed. "Its not your fault Lizzy Beth." Draco looked at me but i was still looking up at the ceiling. "Is that why she hit you, the necklace?" Draco asked. I turned to face him. "Yes, my brother must have slipped it in my pocket earlier that day. I didn't take it but all they needed to hear was my brother saying I did." I replied. "I believe you." Draco sat up and kissed my forehead. My face turned red and he smiled. "Sleep well Lizzy Beth." Draco said as he walked out of the room. I wanted him to lay there with me even if we didn't talk. His presents me feel safe. I soon dozed off and woke up the morning to my mother in my room. "Mother what are you doing?" I asked sitting up in bed. "Quiet Elizabeth!" I mother snapped. "Sorry." I mumbled under my breath. "Here we go, you'll were this tonight for the christmas dinner." My mother set a dark green dress on my bed and walked out. I heard a knock on y door and went to answer it. "Good Morning sister." My brother marched into my room and look around. "What is with you people today? What are you looking for?" I asked not having the negry to shout. "Just checking things Elizabeth." Carlisle rolled his eyes. "Its Beth." I said shutting the door behind him. I went to get in the shower but before i could walk out someone else came bursting through my door. "Bloody hell! WHat now?" I turned to see Draco standing in the doorway. "Sorry, thought you were my mother." I said pulling a shirt out of my trunk. "Busy morning you had already?" Draco said making his way to my bed and sitting down. "I guess you could say that, my mother came to wake me, then my brother to apparently search my belongings." I said about to leave the room. "Where is the bathroom?" I turned to look at Draco. He stood up and I followed him to the rather larger bathroom. "Thank you." I said and shut the door behind me. I don't if Draco and I are a thing, how do i act around him? Because as of now I'm just super awkward. 

Once the night grew in I started to get ready slipping on the dark green dress. "Lizzy Beth?" Draco walked into the room holding a small box. "Oh great, can you zip this for me please?" I moved my hair to the side so Draco could zip up my dress. "Thank you." I smiled and fixed my hair. I jumped slightly as Draco placed a necklace around my neck. It was gold with a small snake pedant on it. "I have a question for you." Draco said resting his head on my shoulders, arms around my waist. "Lizzy Beth, will you be my girlfriend?" Draco asked, I turned around to face him. "I know what your going say, "I need to focus on studying."  Well I can help you too." Draco grabbed my face and I closed my eyes. "Sorry but I wasn't going to say that actually. I was going to say yes." I giggled as Draco spun me around in a hug. 


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