Chapter Eight

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"I've been back for 3 weeks now, it's almost April. Which means it's almost April Fools day. Everyone will be on high alert for the twins soon. No-one is safe. No-one. I talk with my brother just about everyday as I find myself in Slytherin common quite often, either studying or hanging out with Draco. I 've spent a lot of time with him recently. Anyway as always, Beth."

"I don't understand why we have homework, whoever invented it should be in Azkaban." I said looking up at the ceiling. Draco laughed at me. "What?" I asked looking at him. "Nothing, your just adorable when your angry." He smirked at me and looked back at his paper. I crawled across the wooden floor to see how far he was on his paper. "Your nearly done!" I shouted. "Accio paper!" I shouted and my paper came flying into my hands. I began to copy some of Dracos answers. "Some goody two shoes you are." Draco chuckled and I rolled my eyes at his smart remark. "That's wrong." I said pointing to his sixth answer. "How do you know?" Draco asked. "Because it's not Aconite, it's Aconite Fluid." I replied raising my eyebrows. "I guess that would make more sense." Draco shook his head. We finished our work about 20 minutes later. "I better get back to my common." I said gathering ym things. "Or you could stay." Draco grabbed my wrist. "Please stay." He added pushing me against the wall. I kissed him dropping my bag on the ground. He smiled against my lips and pushed me over to the bed and deepened the kiss making his way to my neck. I began to unbutton my shirt and after ig to it off i tore Draco's off. Draco left small bruises on my neck with his lips. As my skirt slipped off Draco looked up at me. "Are you sure?" He said making sure I was okay with what was about to happen. "Yes, I'm sure." I said grabbing Draco's hand. He smirked and kissed me once more. 

"I can't believe I'm about to write about this. If anyone ever ends up reading this, stop right now please. Anyway, I lost my virginity to Draco today, yes, Draco Malfoy.  It was definitely something I'm going to remember forever. I have probably 10 hickeys on my neck and chest and I must admit it's uncomfortable to walk. I had to sneak back to dorm late at night so my brother wouldn't see me in the morning. I also got caught by Hermoine sneaking back into the dorm. I told her I fell asleep at Dracos but I don't think she believed me. I better get to bed its very late, XoXo, Beth"

"What did you guys all do last night?" Hermoine asked as Ron and Harry joined us in the Great Hall. "Um..We slept?" Ron said looking at Harry. "What about you Beth?" Hermoine looked me and turned red. "I did some homework then fell asleep." I said nervously. "Where?" Hermoine asked. "I accidently fell asleep in Draco's dorm." I said faking a smile. "Well you seem a bit uncomfortable today...I wonder why?" Hermoine smirked. My eyes widen as I figured out she knew what I had done with Draco. Ron and Harry looked at each other confused then made faces realizing what hermione was referring to. "You did not!" Ron shouted at me. "Ron! Keep it down would you." I said smacking his arm. "Bloody hell Beth, that hurt." Ron said rubbing his arm."Probably as much as you did last night." Ron added almost dying of laughter. Harry started to join in on the laughter, Hemroineheld hers in. "Keep laughing Harry, keep laughing." I said rolling my eyes. We all walked down to Snape's class for potions. "Miss Salvatore, I'm missing your moonstone essay." Snape said looking at me quite weird. "Did you injure yourself latyl Miss Elizabeth?" Snape added. I turned red and handed him my essay form months ago. "Im fine." I said taking a seat next to draco. He opened his mouth to say something but i cut him off. "Shut up. I don't want to talk to you right now." I said sarcastically. "is it seriously that obvious?" I asked Draco. "That you totally got railed last night? Yes." Draco whispered with a laugh. I rolled my eyes in frustration.  "March 31st." I mumbled looking at the chalkboard. "Shit." I mumble once more. Draco looked at in confusion as I wrote on a note. "Tomorrow is THE day start warning people." I passed the note to Ron who seem scared. "Bloody hell, why so soon." He said handing the note to Hermoine to passed it to harry who passed it to Seamus who passed it to Luna and so on. It was the twins last year at hogwarts so we all knew they weren't going to be holding back anything. "What's going on?" Draco asked. "Tomorrow is April 1st, April fools day." I said. "Shit." Draco said. "The weasley twins." He added with a sigh. 

I woke up that morning, like everyone else, careful on where to step and what to eat. "I haven't seen anything bad yet." Ron said as we walked through the halls. "That's strange at least by this time they have pulled 100 pranks." Hermione said. "That is strange." I said looking around. We sat down in the great hall. No sign of Fred or George anywhere, then boom the loud crashing noise started. "They waited until everyone was together. Their pranking the entire school!" Hermoine shouted. "Bloody Hell." Ron said ducking under the table. "That's brilliant." Harry said look to see the twins on their brooms dropped things at yelling out spells and charms. By the end of breakfast they had to cancel classes because everyone had to clean up and the classrooms were destroyed. "Fred and George Weasley, You have detention, starting now please report to professor Snape's office immediately." Professor Mcgonagall's voice said over a speaker. "Good luck!" Ron shouted as the entire Gryffindor common laugh. The twins went down to snape office but had other plans besides just detention in mind. They had a certain item just for Snape. Later that day we found out the twins had detention for the rest of month.

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