Chapter Thirteen

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It's been months December is around the corner and I've been trying to get Draco to talk with me

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It's been months December is around the corner and I've been trying to get Draco to talk with me. I'd be staying at Hogwarts for the holidays this year, so would Draco. Draco and I were outside walking since we had a day off from classes. "You can talk to me you know." I said wrapping my arm with his. "I can tell something is bother you, I'm here for you, talk to me." I said as we started to head inside. "I'm fine really, but you on the other, your freezing." Draco said pulling my hat over my ears. When we got back inside I had completely forgot to question him again. 

"Merry Christmas." Draco placed a necklace in front of me. I pulled the golden snake necklace from my neck out to show him. "I never took it off." I said turning to him. "Well don't you think it's time to replace that?" Draco said unclasping the necklace and putting the new one on. It was silver with a purple gem in the center. "I love it, thank you." I said hugging Draco. "I have something for you too!" I put dracos hands over his eyes and placed the small box in his hands. "Open it!" I said siling. I watched as Draco pulled out the silver ring that had "My Love" Engraved on it. Draco slipped the ring on his middle finger. "I love it." He said placing a kiss on my forehead. 

As time did pass I was able to get Draco into Gryffindor common by telling Hermoine that my brother didn't want me i slytherin. She agreed but supervised not "trusting" Draco. It was January now, almost my birthday. 3 more days and I'd be seventeen. "Quit it!" I said as Draco picked me up in the halls. Harry looked at Draco as he gripped my hand. "Problem Potter?" Draco snickered. "Don't start. I'm not listening to this today." I said looking at Harry then back and Draco. We all walked into potions and took our seats. 

I watched Draco often in pain due to the dark mark and it killed me to see him like that. It was my birthday today and his mark was burning horrible today. "You don't have to be with me, you can go be alone. I know you hate being around me when your like this." I said letting go of his hand. "It's your birthday I'm not going anywhere." Draco said grabbing my hand again. Draco put on a smile and we walked back to Slytherin common. "Happy birthday." A voice said behind me. I turned to see my brother holding a couple flowers. "Thank you Car." I said standing up to hug him. Carlisle and talked for a minute and he left to go finish some homework. "I can't wait to get out of this place." Draco said as I sat next to him once again. "Where will you go?" I asked resting my head on his shoulder. "Somewhere in the country, a nice little house, and of course you would be there, maybe get married, then eventually we'd have kids, if you want?" I could see the light in Draco's eyes. I smiled and squeezed his hand. "I would like that." I replied.

As the months went by, Draco and I would talk about future a lot. At this point we had our entire lives planned out, where we were going live, what we would name our kids, our wedding, everything. It was nice to know my future would involve Draco, at least the way we planned it. You never know what could happen.  It was our first April without the twins pulling a prank, and in all honestly it was weird. Draco had been acting very weird lately but wouldn't tell me why. "Draco, please just tell me! You always say how much you hate keeping things from me, and you know I'll figure it out anyway!" I shouted as Draco went to vanish to his mysterious place. "If I tell you you'll hate e Lizzy Beth." Draco said opening the door. "Draco! Tell me." I shouted pushing myself against the door so it wouldn't open. "Lizzy Beth, move." Draco said trying to push past me. "No, tell me first." I said standing my ground. "Fine." Draco grabbed my hand and i pulled me to where he was going. I watched as a door appeared, Draco and I entered through the door. It was clutter with all kinds of things. "Is that.." My voice trailed off as Draco revealed a vanishing cabinet. Draco sook his and looked me with sadness. "death eaters Lizzy, Voldemort is making me repair it so they come to Hogwarts." Draco said looking out the side. I could tell something else what bothering him too. "What else, what else are they making you do Draco?" I said grabbing his face. Draco looked at me with tears in his eyes. "Kill Dumbledore." Draco fell into my arms as I gasped. I didn't know what to say. "You didn't leave me because you were one of the, you left me because of the tasks their making you do." I said rubbing my hands up and down Draco's back to comfort him. "I don't want to Lizzy." Draco cried. "I want to tell you its okay, but I'd be lying and I don't want to lie to you Draco." I said grabbing his hands, I took a deep breath. "I'm here for you." I said placing a kiss on his soft lips. 

"I don't even know where to start on this entry. I found out horrible news today, why Draco actually left me and why hes been sneaky around. he has to kill Dumbledore and repair the vanishing cabinet. I don't know if i should tell anyone, Draco could end up dead if I ruin his tasks, but Dumbledore will be if I don't. I can't write for while, I need to think not write. XoXo Beth." 

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