Chapter Nine

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As the end of our 5th year drew away we all realized how little time we had left at Hogwarts. 2 more years, only 2. May was over and June started to settle in now. "Write me okay, i love Draco." I said hugging him as we all stepped off the train. Carlisle and I walked over to our mother, who looked much better than the last time we saw her. She waved to Narcissa and we got on our way home. "How was your year?" My mother asked us. "Decent, given the events." Carlisle said setting down his bags in the living room. "Look at you, you'll be in your last year." My mother walked over placing a hand on my brothers cheek. "And you, my beautiful daughter, i feel like it was just yesterday your father-" My mother quit speaking and sent us to unpack. "She doesn't speak of him." I said before Carlisle walked into his room. "Would you if the man you loved died your arms." Carlisle shut his door and I walked into my room. I decided to write Draco a letter telling him I made it home safe.                                                                                                                                       "I just wanted to let you know I got home okay, Happy early birthday by the way. I love you. XoXo Lizzy Beth."  I handed the short to my owl and watched as he flew off to deliver it. I got ready for bed and fell asleep rather quickly. I woke up the next morning with a letter sitting on my nightstand. I smiled and opened it. "Hello my love, I'm glad your okay. Thank you for the early birthday wishes, do you mind if I come to see you next week? Things here are a bit crazy. -DM"  I placed the letter in my desk drawer and instantly informed Draco we could come over next week. I was so excited to see him, even though it had only been a couple of days I missed him greatly. "Beth?" My brother opened the door, i turned to face him. "Breakfast is ready." he finished leaving the door open. I went downstairs to eat and then went back up to get dressed. Today was Draco's birthday. June 5th. I had wished him happy birthday once more in the letter before sending it to him. I never got a reply.

"I was starting to think you weren't coming anymore." I said opening the door to a certain blonde. Draco picked me up in a hug. "I missed you Lizzy." He said then set me back down. "I missed you too. "So, 17?" I said laughing. "I guess so." Draco sighed and i grabbed his things to take to my room. "Beth? is that Draco? Did he arrive?" My mother called from the bottom of the stairs. "So she calls you Beth now?" Draco raised an eyebrow. "Yes." I smiled. "Yes mother hes here!" I shouted back. "Hello tiny Lizzy." Draco said picking up a picture of my brother and I form when we were younger. "I meant to put that up!" I said grabbing the image. "I like it, you were so cute, what happened?" Draco laughed. "Oh shut it Malfoy." I said taking the picture form his hands and setting it back on my dresser. "Someone likes purple." Draco said looking around my bedroom. "It's more of a mauve, but call it what you will." I smirked and opened the windows. "How's your summer been so far?" Draco asked flopping on to nicely made bed. "Well so far I've written to you, watched my mother have a mental break down, and then watched as you ruined the bed I just made." I said sarcastically and laid next to him. "How long can you stay?" I asked playing wit the ring on Draco's hand. "A week." Draco looked at me and smiled. I smiled and rested my head closer to him. "We only have 2 years left at Hogwarts." I sighed then got up to find something. "Prefect!" I said pulling out and old photo. "My mother had this, your 3rd birthday. We were just kids, and even then you were a jerk." I said handing the picture to Draco. "I wish I would have know you when we could actually remember things." Draco laughed. "You look angry here, what happened?" Draco added. "Well according to my mother you stole my stuff animal." I laughed taking the picture and taping it to the wall. "I love you Lizzy Beth." Draco said wrapping his arms around my waist. "I love you too." I said grabbing his hands. "I have a question." I said turning around. "What is it?" Draco asked sitting on floor against my bed frame. "Why'd you stop writing?" I gave a rather sad expression. "I didn't know what to say really, all I could think of is how excited i was to see your face." Draco smiled as I ran my fingers through his blonde hair. "Beth? Beth, dinner is ready." My brother said poking into my bedroom. "We're coming." I said standing up. "Just don't bring up my father." I said leading Draco to the dining room. He nodded and we sat down. 

Later that night Draco, Carlisle and I all watched a movie down stairs. "Not it!" I shouted throwing the bowl at the brother. "You suck." He said standing up to get more popcorn. Draco laughed and pulled me over to him so I was lying back on his chest. Carlisle set the popcorn on the table and sat across the room on the other sofa, we used our wands to lift pieces of popcorn from the bowl.

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