Chapter 35

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Aiden's POV

It was the first day of school after the summer break. Elliot had slept over so I could drive us both to school to begin our first semester of the school year.

I was excited about the new wrestling season that was about to start and I couldn't wait to get back into real training. I had been working out during the summer, but it's not the same as going to the wrestling practices. I only am able to workout strength at the gym during the summer, not much of the techniques are perfectioned without the help from the coach.

However, I was really not excited to see Dylan again. Elliot and I spoke about him during the summer. He pleaded that I wouldn't end up in a fight with him. I told him I would try to stay away from him, but just seeing his car as we parked in the school's parking lot, made my blood boil!

Elliot placed his hand on mine. ''Ready?'' he asked as he gave me a comforting smile. I moved forward to kiss his lips before we left my car and went inside.

Nothing much happened during the first day. I was just happy that I didn't have the pleasure to see Dylan's ugly face today, and I hoped it would stay like this for as long as possible. Preferably, the whole schoolyear.

As the bell rang, telling us the first day had just ended. Elliot had told me to wait outside as he had to talk to his maths teacher for some extra curriculum or something.

I waited outside in the parking lot with Noah, Valerie, Matt and Justin. They had decided to keep me company as I was waiting for my boyfriend to get out of school so we could go home.

The doors opened, and I wasn't happy to see that Dylan was the one to leave the building, not Elliot. He was looking at me with an angry glare as I did the same to him.

I really hoped he would just go to his car, but he was approaching me and I felt tense and my arm forms tight fists as he was coming closer.

''So, I heard you got back with your cheating boyfr'' I was aware of what he was trying to say, but I wouldn't let him finish. What a fucking liar! Instead, I threw my fist into his left cheek.

He fell to the ground, but I could tell he wouldn't give up that easily. He got up quickly as he charged at me and I fell on the grass that was around the parking lot with him above me.

I kicked him off me, and quickly a big fight between us was in the making as I got on top of him and started attacking, receiving hits back.

I saw in my peripheral that Elliot had approached us, mid-fight. I wanted to tell him to get away before he got himself hurt, but I was too late. Elliot had tried to pull us off each other, but Dylan had elbowed him in his nose. I don't think Dylan was aware that Elliot was the one behind him, trying to pull him away from me. However, that doesn't matter. No one fucking touches my boy!

''Don't fucking touch my boyfriend!'' I yelled as I threw Dylan to the ground. I looked up for a second and saw Valerie and Noah looking over Elliot, which made me a little calmer. I had been stressing out about his state after his nose started bleeding from getting elbowed by Dylan.

I suddenly felt someone's arms grabbing around my bicep. I looked up to see both Matt and Justin trying their best to move me off Dylan, who was currently underneath me, getting the beating of his life. Never had I been this angry at another person.

Dylan's friend also pulled him away. We were both starring angry at each other as our friend held us away from each other. I heard how loudly my heart was beating through my ears as I was heavily breathing.

Elliot suddenly appeared in front of me, blocking my sight towards Dylan. He put his hand on my cheek and gave me a shy smile. Surprisingly, it calmed me down quickly. Almost making me forget all about the fight, only able to look inside the eyes of the boy that meant the world to me.

''Has Aiden become a simp for his little boyfriend, do you maybe want him to fight your battles too?'' Dylan laughed with his friends who were holding him back as he was looking towards us.

Elliot smiled disappeared and I was about to run at Dylan. However, before I had the chance, Elliot had approached Dylan with a punch in his jaw. ''

''No, but I definitely will if you ever come near my boyfriend or me ever again!'' I was so surprised about Elliot's action. I had never imagined him doing anything like that. It was clear that Dylan was just as shocked as he put his arm on his jaw, feeling the impact of Elliot's punch.

Elliot walked back to us and grabbed my hand and made me follow him to my car. I looked back at Valerie, Matt, and Justin as he did so, and all of them looked just as confused and shocked by what they just had seen.

I turned back to look at my hand that was currently being held by my boyfriend who stopped in front of the driver seat door and let go before he walked around the car and stood outside the passenger seat door and waited for me to open the car.

''Are you going to open it?'' Elliot asked me, looking confused as he raised his right eyebrow.

''Oh yes, of course'' I said, lost in my train of thoughts. I quickly found my keys and opened the door to sit inside together with him.

Once we were inside, I was just starring at Elliot, not able to do anything else.

''What'' he giggled as he waved his hand in front of my face to see if I was still present. I laughed a little at it before I went in for a kiss. Once we ended our kiss, I started the ignition and drove home.

As soon as we got home. Elliot let me upstairs to his bedroom, a place I had gotten quite used to in the last few months.

''Lay down, I'll get some ointment for you to face'' Elliot said as he walked towards his on-suite bathroom.

I walked towards his mirror and saw that I had bled some, it didn't look as bad as Dylan's face, but he had done some damage to mine as well.

''I told you to get on the bed!'' Elliot said in an annoyed tone as he grabbed my hand and walked me over.

''Lay down mister'' he continued. I smirked a little at his tone and current actions.

''Aye, aye captain'' I saluted him and jumped down on his bed. He shook his head before he sat down next to where I was laying. He opened the ointment and started to apply it to my bruises and cuts that had appeared on my face during and after the fight with Dylan.

''Lay down with me'' I said as I gently pulled on his sleeves, once he had finished putting on the ointment.

Elliot did as he told me and we got very close. He kissed my nose as I squeezed my arms around him ever so slightly for him to feel, without being suffocated.

''I told you not to fight'' he said and started to stroke my back as his head was laying on top of my bicep.

''Sorry, I couldn't help myself when he approached me at the parking lot,'' I said, disappointed in myself. I should do as Elliot had told me. He wished for me to stay away from Dylan. Even though it was hard since I turned angry just by looking at him or being near him at school.

''Just don't do it again'' he said and snuggled his head on my chest a little before I assumed he found the right position to lay in.

''I won't'' I replied and kissed his hair on the top of his head and pulled him a little closer.

It didn't take long before I heard light snoring sounds coming from Elliot. It was nice having him close to me, and his lightly snoring sounds made me tired as well, and it didn't take long before we both had fallen asleep in this position.

Falling For The Jock [BxB] ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن