Chapter 26

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Aiden's POV

Today was strange, we were already halfway through the day and I haven't seen any sign of Elliot. Is he hiding for me? I don't really know if I wanna see him or not. Still hurt, yet I find myself looking for him at every place at school I can imagine him being at. Wanting to randomly bump into him. 

I got ready to get to lunch and meet up with Justin and Matt when I came back to reality as I saw Noah, standing in front of his locker. 

''Hey, Noah'' I said as I walked towards him. Noah turned around to look at me and his face gave me an annoyed expression. 

I wasn't sure if approaching him was the right thing to do by his expression, but it is too late to back off now. ''Where's Elliot, I haven't seen him in some time''.

''You really hurt him Aiden. Do you know that?'' Noah said with a judgemental look on his face. 

''Yeah. I guess if he hadn't...'' I wasn't able to finish what I was saying before Noah interrupted me.

''No, you didn't even hear him out. You were accusing him of something he didn't even do. How could you be so stupid to think Elliot would do something like that to you. And how in your right mind would you believe he would do it with Dylan? The guy who has tormented him since he started coming to this school!'' Noah screamed at me, making some people turn to look at us.

I grabbed Noah's arm and walked away from the crowds before he could make even more people listen to his rant. ''I know, I'm so sorry. I feel terrible''

''It's not me you should say sorry to. You really need to talk to Elliot. Like today!'' Noah said and left me before I could say anything else. Could I really ask for more, this was literally what I did to Elliot, not giving him the chance to explain himself.

As Noah left for class I quickly got out of the school building and sat down inside my car, hoping nobody saw me ditching. Without me realizing I had dialed Elliot's number and the phone was ringing. I had been ignoring his calls and text since we broke up, but I really hope he'll pick up when I call him.

''Hello'' I could hear coming from down in my hands. I quickly brought my phone to my ear as I exhaled. ''Can we talk?''


After arriving at the park, I held my steering wheel tight and took a deep breath. Was this too soon? He had really hurt me. How could he do it to me, and not even properly explain it to me? Still, I missed him, and I was worried about him. Never have I heard that Elliot has skipped school, no matter how bruised he was from Dylan's punches or when he was feeling ill. He had perfect attendance. The fact that I am the reason why that is no longer the case, worries me.

I continued to sit in my car, looking out towards the park. I could see Elliot sitting on the bench, looking towards the large pond. How long had he been sitting here waiting? I couldn't man up to get out and sit beside him yet, also looking at him again, even though it's just the back of his head, made me warm.

His brown hair was shining in the sunlight. He was sitting all alone in the park, while everyone else probably is still at school or work since of course we both decided school was not what mattered now.

Still sitting in my car, I was hoping for Elliot to turn around, being too proud to get out of the car myself. Why now, of all the times to contemplate this, I had been doing this for days. Why is it so hard still to just walk up to him? I want to talk to him, I want to hear him out, but I'm nervous, maybe even a little bit scared.  

Just as I opened the door, Elliot turned around and looked at me. I closed the door behind me and leaned on the side of my car. Elliot slowly got up and walked towards me. He moved his gaze around, not sure if he should look at me, the ground, or around the park. I smiled a little at his shy action.

''Hey'' he said as he stood in front of me, keeping a small distance between us. 

''How are you'' I said, really wanting to know.

He was reluctant as he answered ''have been better'' he said as he pulled on his shoulders. I felt bad as I was watching him, struggling to keep eye contact with me.

''Want to sit inside, it's not that warm'' I hinted as I watched him doing small movements to try to stay warm, standing there in just his sweatshirt without a jacket. Summer was approaching but it was still a little bit cold.

He went on the other side of the car and got inside and sat down on the passenger seat. 

''If this is going to work, we have to let the other person get to explain the situation before we lash out'' Elliot suddenly said when we both were seated.

I was shocked. We hadn't really talked about getting back together, but Elliot, as much as myself could tell that we both wanted it. 

''I talked to Valerie and Noah yesterday, explained everything to them so I now have the right words to explain to you. If you could just listen'' he said and gave me a straight look, meaning business. I had never seen Elliot this serious and was looking forwards to his explanation. I nod my head to tell him I was ready to hear what he had to tell me.

After Elliot had explained everything to me, I felt like the biggest dumbass in the world. It was obvious, I can't believe I thought it was real. that Elliot would actually cheat on me with Dylan of all people. Not that I could see Elliot cheat at all, but why did I believe it then?

All these thoughts made me annoyed, I can't believe how stupid I've been. I thought to myself as I placed my head between my hands on the steering wheel. 

Elliot put his hand on my back. Stroking slowly up and down my spine. I can't believe how much I missed his touch. How could I ever be this dumb and almost let him go?

''I'm so sorry Elliot. It does not excuse my actions, but I guess the alcohol only made my feelings stronger, I never want to react like that towards you ever again!'' I told him, turning my gaze towards him as I put my hand onto his. 

He smiled at me as he moved closer. ''Can I kiss you?'' Elliot asked. I was so surprised by how bold he was, and before I could answer I moved closer and put mine lips onto his. 

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