Chapter 25

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Elliot's POV

''Hi Elliot, Valerie and Noah are here, do you want them to come up?'' papa asked from downstairs.

I was quiet for a while, not sure if I wanted the company. However, I knew that if someone could make me feel better, it was them.

I got up from my bed and moved to my open door, ''Yeah, let them in'' I said loudly before I went back to sit on my bed in my blanket.

Once Valerie and Noah came inside my room, Noah closed the door and they stood in front of me. ''How are you doing?'' Valerie said, but I couldn't figure out how to speak, instead, I just moved my shoulders up and down, telling them I didn't really know. Trying to keep my emotions in check, not wanting to cry.

It was out of my power to keep myself from crying. Tears started to roll down my cheeks. ''Oh Elliot'' Valerie said as she sat down beside me and put her arm around my shoulder. Noah sat down on the other side of me and reached for my left hand and put it in his lap and massages it as I tried my tears with my right hand.

''I don't get why he rushed me to explain and wasn't patient enough to let me gathered my words'' I cried.

''Aiden?'' Noah said with a worried look. ''Yes, he wasn't pleased with the answers I gave him, but he didn't give me enough time to tell him what he actually needed to hear either. I just don't know what to do!'' I said as I took both of my hands and covered my face as tears were coming out faster than before.

I could hear the uncertainty in what Noah said next. ''Did you see the video?'' I looked up at Noah and dried some more tears. ''No, I never got the video, even though it seems like everyone else in our school got it''

Noah looked at Valerie. ''If we show it to you, maybe that would make you understand why he would be mad?'' Noah continued.

Valerie brought up her phone, she let me hold it as she pressed play.

''That's not all that happened. Dylan forces himself at me!'' I couldn't hold it in anymore. Tears escaped my eyes as Valerie took her arms around me and hugged me. Noah also brought his hand on my shoulder. I was obviously sad, but now I also cried with frustration. ''Elliot, everything is going to be fine'' he said and gave me a reassuring smile. I didn't really believe him as I closed my eyes, pressing tears down my cheeks. 

''Could you tell us what really happened then?'' Noah said as Valerie continued to hold me, while she stroked her hand up and down my back.

''Dylan locked me and him inside the janitor's closet. He actually surprised me with the kiss, it felt like it came from nowhere.'' I said as I exhaled and dried the last one of the tears from my cheek.

''He trapped me, I couldn't get away, he held my arms over my head'' I continued while Valerie continued to stroke my back. I just looked down at my hands in my lap that had Noah's hand with them. ''He ended the kiss as he called me a slut and punched me really hard in my stomach, leaving the room and me laying on the cold floor in the dark'' 

''What an asshole!'' Valerie said angrily. She probably hated him even more than me, I had ruined my relationship, but he treated her worse. I could nothing but understand her anger towards him.

''Actually, when I think about it, I remember I saw him taking something from the shelf when he left, I can just assume that it was the camera or phone that filmed this, and he edited it so it looked like he was only making out with me, and we were both enjoying it. When in reality, it wasn't the case.''

''Why don't you tell Aiden exactly this!'' Noah said energic. ''He keeps ignoring my calls, and who says he would believe me without any proof?'' I said pessimistically.

Noah seemed angry. ''He has absolutely no reason for not trusting you. The fact that he thinks you actually cheated on him baffles me, and with Dylan of all people! I can never imagine you doing anything to hurt that boy. Every time I see you two together. It gives me hope that I one day can achieve something like what you have!'' Noah blushed from that last part.

I smiled at what Noah said. He's a good friend. ''I'm sure you will Noah'' 

''Noah, you will. I promise you'' Valerie added in, smiling at the blushing boy. Seeing Noah blush actually made me feel better.

''Thank you for coming over, you guys actually help me to think about other things'' I said, starting to see something like a light in the tunnel, even though there are still some cars in front of me, keeping me from arriving at my brighter future.

''Let's watch a movie'' Valerie said as she jumped up from my bed and towards the TV. 

''Which Movie?'' Noah asked. Valerie and I just looked at each other. ''Harry Potter!'' we said happily together as Valerie held up the movie. 

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