Chapter 2

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Picture of Brett

Elliot's POV

There was a new day, a new lonely day full of ugly looks and crappy comments. Before I left my house I looked in the mirror to see I started to develop a blue mark right underneath my right eye after the beatings I received from Dylan yesterday.

''Nice eye, fucked up your eyeshadow queer?'' some guy said, laughing while I walked faster to first period looking at the floor. I just got in the door and already comments were coming my way. Why couldn't just people mind their own business? 

I continued to walk when suddenly a group of guys walked right in front of me, they didn't stop and I fell when the tallest one walked right at me. 

''Oh sorry fag, didn't see you all the way down there'' one of the guys said and another followed up with ''grow an inch or two, you're currently an invisible little fairy''. 

The guys continued to walk with laughter. I have had enough already. I rushed to the bathroom, locked the toilet stall and slid down the door, putting my head in my hands and letting out all the tears that had been held inside, scared to appear in front of everyone in the hall. 

I didn't even make it to first period and was already ready to go home. I felt awful. People here at the school already knew I was gay, I had only told Val. Now Val is popular, and I'm depressed and lonely. Was that the ticket into the world of popularity? Making other people feel awful about themselves. 

After crying, I've had enough. I opened the door to the bathroom slowly looking out to see if people were still in the hall. There was nobody and I rushed towards the main door. 

I couldn't handle being in school for a second longer. I walked to the closest bus stop to take the next bus home.


I came home, running through the door crying. I was ready to just run up and hide in my bed, but that plan changed when I ran into my brother. 

''Wow, slow down buddy'' he said as he took a hold of my shoulders. I couldn't stop crying and I really needed the comfort right now. Without thinking about it I took my arms around Brett and cried on his shirt.

Brett took his arms around me and held onto me. ''Hey, what's wrong Elli?'' he asked into my hair while brushing his hand up and down my back.

I just kept crying on his shirt and mumbled into the fabric. ''Why am I the unlucky one?''

''What do you mean?'' he sounded confused, but I couldn't really tell since I couldn't really see his face.

I had to let go of his waist to look up at him. ''Everyone makes fun of me for being short, since all the other boys are taller and I get called many slurs during the day.'' I couldn't stop crying, but I think I was able to speak audibly, without giving Brett troubles understanding what I was telling him.

Brett's POV

I felt sorry for Elliot, and I couldn't really put himself in his situation since I was apparently the lucky child in his eyes. I know Elliot hated being short, he had always had a problem with it.

Even Valerie was taller than him, and I know he didn't like that his friend who was a girl was 5'8 and he was only 5'6. Also compared to me who was 6'2, I guess that wasn't too fun for him. 

He was very small for his age and gender I suppose and I hated that he got bullied for it. Not to brag or anything but I'm quite tall and muscular build and have always been popular. I know that Elliot sometimes compares himself to me, which is just stupid of him because he fits being the short skinny guy. Even though that unfortunately makes him an easy target for bullies. 

I could hear someone walking down the stairs. I turned my head to see dad coming down. We look very much like each other in a lot of ways, and I guess Elliot also compares himself to dad who is muscular and the same height as me. Even though Papa was slim like Elliot he still had a hint of muscles and wasn't as short as Elliot. papa is probably 5'11, and for Elliot, that was a lot more taller than himself. 

Dad could see Elliot cry and came towards him before he put his hands on his shoulders.  ''What's wrong kiddo?''

Elliot looked down at the floor, ignoring dad, I guess I have to take the lead in this conversation. Dad needs to know. ''Some kids at school bullied him''.

I felt him give me a small nudge in my side. I looked down at him and he said 'don't tell him that' with his body language. We have always been pretty close so I always understood what he tried to say, even if he didn't use words.

''That is unacceptable, no child of mine is going to be a victim of bullying, Brett you're going to drive Elliot to and from school from now on, making sure he gets to, and from school without any trouble.'' I was an overprotection brother and didn't mind driving Elliot to school on my way to work and picking him up after school. I just wanted my little brother to be safe and not scared of going to school.

I gave dad a nod to agree with the deal. Dad nodded back to me. It felt like I was in the military sometimes with him, but I liked it. 

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