5- more whales

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-ill edit this later, sorry for any mistakes-

only god knows how cioccolata was able to get you to doppios office again so fast, and only the devil knows why doppio agreed to let you stay a while longer. sure, it wasnt permanent, but if doppio saw you to be of some use, he'd allow cioccolata to keep you here.

no, you didnt have any say in this. yes, cioccolata was ecstatic about the answer.

then, after cioccolatas and doppios little deal, the mad doctor ran you back over to the kitchen, smiling at you like an eager puppy as you stumbled forward. "uh-uhm, what's going on?"

he giggled a bit, swaying side to side as he just stared at you and grinned like an insane asylum patient. you pulled your hands to your chest and brushed off your apron, mildly uncomfortable by the lack of response. "are you wanting me to make you something, or...?"

"yes please! make anything you'd like, dear!"

the sudden response startled you, making you flinch a bit as he eagerly bounded over to an unoccupied seat at the counter, watching you intensely as you began to work.

to start with cioccolatas ever-so-desired meal, you had to clean up the glass mess secco made on the floor near the sink, which you were sure would get in your way as time went on. after that, you checked the cupboards, fridge, and pantry for any ideas on what you should make, settling for some salmon and riced vegetables with a few drops of lemon.

as you let the salmon pulled from the freezer thaw, you began to work on the vegetables, finding that you left your special knives upstairs in your suitcase. unfortunately, your attempt to leave the kitchen was stopped by cioccolata, who stood in front of you curiously. "where are you going?"

"i need my knives, sir. i work better with the ones that i bought for myself, rather than some different ones."

he only nodded, pressing two fingers to his lips and whistling rather loudly. without warning, secco sprung out of the floor beneath you, making you scream with surprise and stumble backward before cioccolata caught you by your hand and pulled you back to your feet. "secco~! this young lady would like her set of knives so she may work. could you kindly go retrieve them from her suitcase?"

secco nodded before scampering away on all fours, running up the stairs like a dog and making your stomach turn. "sir, you really didnt have to do that, i couldve gotten them myself-"

"nonsense! it truly is no problem, my dear! you need not to waste your energy for a single set of knives that my assistant can easily get for you."

as if one que, secco once again pounced out of the floor, your shrimpfish scream filling cioccolatas ears and making him smile rather eerily. "there's nothing to fear, sweetheart! its just secco with your knives."

you were getting quite sick of the pet names the mad doctor would give you from time to time, but you couldnt go against him if you wanted to stay on his good side. pulling your hand away from his with a little more force than necessary, you squatted next to secco and retrieved your special set of stone knives with a small 'thank you', returning back to work right after.

cioccolata took his seat on the stool at the counter again, secco sleeping at his feet as if he were nothing more than a stray dog looking for warmth. it was tough cooking with someone watching you, but when you brought your mind back to your dad and alois, it all felt easier.

"so, why do you wear sunglasses inside?" cioccolata asked rather confusedly, tilting his head to the side.

you reached for a carrot from the vegetable drawer, washing it off and beginning to dice it up. "it reminds me of my younger brother, who's currently in possession of my favorite pair of glasses. i made a promise to him that i would return in one piece to take those glasses back, and that i would clear the debt that my mother left with us, sir."

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