10- promotion... maybe?

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oh good god.

they found the body, didn't they? of that burglar from a while back?

as of right now, everything was spelling out 'DANGER' in big, bold letters.

the rifle you were using only mere minutes ago was now clutched in your arms-- as if it were some sort of teddy bear to comfort you, your (e/c) eyes hiding behind blue lenses and avoiding the cold glare from squalo as you passed him.

should you just come clean about it? if you lie to them, who knows what'll happen to you-- no, what'll happen to your father and alois. there was no doubt that they'd find a way to drag them into this if you don't own up to it.

wait- what if they do something to them regardless? perhaps as a punishment for hiding the body instead of reporting the attempted robbery?

"(y/n), my favorite house maid, there you are~!" a shrill voice squealed, snapping you out of your terrified dazed. you had followed tiziano so mindlessly that you didn't even notice how quickly you got to cioccolatas office.

"g-good evening, cioccolata."

"aww, why so nervous? got anything you would like to tell me?" he grinned, leaning against his doorway so casually it made you almost scared. the sudden infatuation he had from the start always made you the slightest bit creeped out, which was understandable from every point of view, seeing as how this man was almost out of his mind.

he was acting as he normally would, and that fact alone was what made you tremble greatly. you couldn't tell if he was curious, pissed, upset, or just surprised by the discovery of the corpse.

"yes, sir, i-" you tumbled over our words before you even managed to get them out, poorly attempting to clear your throat before you died of a heart attack from anticipation. "-i would like to ask that we speak alone in your office, if that is alright."

"oh~ just because she gets all this special treatment from the mad doctor, she thinks she can start bossing people around, yeah?" squalo grunted by the back door, arms folded. 

"no, sir, not at all-"

"yes, i suppose that would be fine." cioccolata interrupted, gripping you by the arm and pulling you into his dimly lit domain before briefly glaring at squalo. "as long as you explain everything, then all will be well."

while you should be thankful that he got you out of such an uncomfortable situation, you were still counting the seconds until he would snap and kill you. which, thankfully, never came.

"tell me, sweetheart, why have you hidden this body here, in my workspace? dont you know it's terribly unsanitary? and here i thought you used to be a nurse..." cioccolata dropped himself onto his office chair and leaned back into it's cushion, legs crossing themselves boredly. "... spare me the trouble of having to pry at you, and just tell me what happened."

with the little courage you had left in you, you cleared your throat and spoke, however quietly. "well, sir, i was-"

"i thought i told you to drop the formalities? this would be the third time, yes? dont make me tell you again."

"apologies. i was cleaning up the house while you and the others were out, and someone decided to break in through the window. at first, it wasn't obvious where they were, but after going through scenarios and the likely-hood of what someone would go for first in a robbery, i immediately checked mister doppios office, and was jumped soon after."

smiling both a sinister and warm smile, cioccolata nodded, giving you approval for you to continue. "im not too sure what the man was after, but-but after seeing he was rummaging through mister doppios office with great haste, i assumed it was something important and attacked him. then he, of course, tried to run off, but i stopped him and got rid of him on the sheer chance he saw something he shouldn't have in mister doppios office."

A Pinch of Sugar | ( unita speciale x Fem!Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora