12- A Piece Of Cake

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"Yes, tell Alois I'll be home soon!" You said cheerfully, a few gunshots following your words. "Get all the cake mix ready, and have icing prepared!"

"where are you right now?"

"Oh, and dad, don't forget to find him his apron before I get there!"

"(Y/n), why are there gunshots!?"

"Bye bye~! I love you!"

There's no time for chit-chat with bullets flying past your head, people claiming that your life is coming to a close when they can't even hold their gun properly. It's quite embarrassing, especially when they're trying so hard.

The warehouse was a frozen battlefield, men of all kinds left displayed in a chilling pink amber, faces contorted into either fear or surprise as their pleads of mercy are left on pause. Who knew your stand would make this job so easy?

"PF, you never fail to amaze me!" You giggled, quickly shooting over to a crate and abandoning the hiding spot behind a pile of untouched bricks. "Now, whaddya say we wrap this up? I'm getting kinda bored of shooting at vermin."

Chirping in agreement, the rather peculiar (and barely dressed) stand of yours took no time in wiping out what was left of those nearby, whether by using her caramel bullets, or simply snapping their necks. 

It was already rather late in the day, a chilling white glow shining into the warehouses' sunroof and lighting the place up, owls chittering along the rooftop as they sung. If you leave now, take fifteen minutes to get back and report in to Doppio, then take your motorcycle, then you should be back home before Alois' bedtime.

The clicking of your heels had gotten rather notorious among the underworld, many claiming it was the last thing an old friend had heard before they got a bullet in the head. It almost gave you a sense of power knowing that you were slowly gaining respect even as someone in debt, but like your father said, to remain humble is to remain on top.

"You've done well for your first time without a partner," a soft, familiarly snappy voice rung from behind. "usually first missions have a high death rate. I'm glad you've managed to survive."

"I was wondering when you were going to show yourself, mister Tiziano." You grinned, turning to give him a wave. 

"Oh, you knew I was here?"

"Yes, sir. Behind me the entire time. I used my scopes reflection to keep an eye on you." The lovely grey sniper rifle dubbed "baby" was slung over your shoulder, having been lovingly customized by Cioccolata to have a colorful tinted scope and pink stripes along its side.

"Clever girl!" He bellowed, jumping down from the beam he spied upon. "I guess you're more perceptive than I assumed!"

"Thank you, sir."

"Drop the formalities, if you could please. After all of this, it would only make sense to see you as my equal, right?"

"Really?! I'm so happy to hear that!"

"I hope so... Anyways, is this not the day you visit your family?" He questioned, walking alongside you. "If you'd like, I could drop you off at your place."

"Thank you, Tiziano, but I can't go doing as I please before reporting to doppio. That's just how it works."

"Then give him a call while you're in the car, no big deal."

"But what if he sees it as rude? Like I'm not making the effort to do it professionally and just tell him in-person--"

"Us 'professionals' just call him anyways." Tiziano held open the doors and allowed you both to exit, though stopped you right before you could descend the stairs. "But before you do any of that, I'd like you to play a quick game with me."

A Pinch of Sugar | ( unita speciale x Fem!Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang