1- Pov: You get bought By One Direction

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"dad, calm down, this isnt a big deal.." you sighed, unfolding your red tinted sunglasses and sliding them onto your face.

"youre not doing that! this is between me, and them, so stay out of it!" your father boomed, slamming his calloused hands on the table.

you huffed, crossing your arms over your lavender crop top. "i can just pay it off! you dont need to do this!"

he lunged forward, gripping your shoulder tightly. "it would be shameful of me to use my childs hard-earned money! my pride would never be able to recover from something so horrible! besides, i owe the money to them, not you!"

"youre not the one that owes them money!" you shouted, throwing his hand off your shoulder and stepping forward. "mom does, and she left us behind to deal with it! so, that's what im gonna do, whether you like it or not!"

ignoring your fathers continuous curses and obvious disapproval of the action you were taking, you stomped off to your room, slamming the door shut behind you as you began to count the amount of lire you had in cash. having worked as a nurse, chef, and bank teller really gave you the upper hand when it came to money, so much so, that you managed to make it passed the millions before you hit twenty years old. however, this little predicament that you and your family had found themself in has proved to be something less than amusing, taking a large toll on your fathers wallet.

for a bit of context, your mother had done something rather... disturbing, of which will not be specified. what will be specified, however, is that she landed herself a nice little spot of the mobs hitlist, having to pay a certain amount of money she owed or she'd be killed (like there was any other way out). upon figuring this out, she fled the country without a sound, leaving you, your father, your little brother, and your (missing) sister with the large debt.

'100, 120, 230, 268, 294...' you mumbled to yourself, adding up the lire that flipped through your hand.  something deep inside your head told you that money wouldnt satisfy those greedy mafiosos, though you werent exactly sure. harsh banging on the door interrupted your thoughts, making you lose your count. "honey, please stay in here for a bit, daddy needs to do something."

unlike earlier, your fathers tone sounded fearful, worried even. you listened to the open air as his footsteps wandered down the hall and to what you assumed was the front door, prompting you to remove yourself from your money-littered bed and to your door, swinging it open and peeking around the corner.

stalking down the hallway, you pressed yourself up against the white wallpaper, eavesdropping on the conversation your father was having with someone. "please," you heard your father beg. "we.. we dont have the money to cover my wifes debt. i only ask for a few weeks to get the required amount-"

"that's enough." a voice interrupted, its tone deep and intimidating. "if you cant pay it off, then you work it off. simple."

though you couldnt see anything, you were positive your father was panicking like a child lost in a maze. "but i have kids i need to provide for! come on, i just need a few weeks and ill have your money, i swear!"

kissing your wrist and leaving an imprint, you slowly formed your hand into a pistol, hiding it behind your back as you revealed yourself. "father, ill pay it off like i said i would."

in the doorway stood two well built men, one with light skin and orange hair while the other had dark skin and white hair, who looked rather scary. your father and the two men looked toward you, the strangers expressions curious while your dad was fuming. " (y/n), return to your room at once, this isnt open for discussion."

"you heard them," you sighed, aiming your hand up and making a firing motion with it, the caramel bullet hitting your father. "if it isnt payed off, its worked off."

the caramel quickly consumed your dad in a paralyzing amber coat, freezing his entire body except his hand. huffing, you sat yourself down on the counter to his left, boring holes into his head. "dad. im sorry for doing that to you, but i had to. you said youre not letting me pay this off, yet you dont even have the money to do it yourself. on top of that, if you leave to work for the mafia, youll be abandoning me and alois, which im sure you dont want to do. so, as the eldest child, i will take responsibility for moms debt and work for them and let you stay and raise alois."

your fathers free hand made a sign of disapproval, giving you a thumbs down. "fine then, to even this compromise, ill visit you once every week to show you im alright. whichever day of the week will depend on if im taking care of a job or not. alois needs a father figure in his life, and if you leave, youll most likely teach him that he can only rely on himself, which isnt something a six year old has to believe."

his hand went limp, most likely considering your offer. a moment of silence passed between you, the strangers, and your father before his hand flew up to an 'ok' sign, making you smile with relief. "alright, dad, im going to release you, and youre going to keep this a secret from alois. once i finish packing, you most likely wont see me for a few weeks, but i promise to return to you and my brother."

with a snap of your fingers, the hard candy that had wrapped yourself around your father melted, dissipating into the open air as if it were never there. the red head of the two strangers, most likely mafiosos, gave you a curious look. "do you have a stand?"

you tilted your head, "a stand? what's that?"

the white haired man crossed his arms, turning to his partner. "if she has one, this will be all the easier."

"yes, but are we really about to take in this girl?" the other replied under his breath.

"if she says she's gonna work off the debt, why not let her? she isnt any less capable than her father, especially with the possibility of her having a stand."

you looked at the two in confusion, your father pulling you to the other room quickly, out of the mafiosos sight. he pushed you into the master bedroom, closing the door behind him and turning to you. "are you really sure you want to do this?"

you sighed, adjusting your sunglasses. "yes, dad, im positive. you need to take care of alois, not the debt mom left behind."

"alright..." he huffed, pulling you into a tight embrace. "please, (y/n), be safe.."

you smiled, wrapping your arms around your fathers chest. "ill be fine, dad. this'll be a piece of cake."

he pulled away, holding out his pinky finger to you. "do you pinky promise?"

you chuckled, wrapping your finger with his, "i promise, dad. ill finish off the debt so fast you wont even know you had it in the first place!"

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