9- crosshairs

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jesus christ, it happened again

i forgot this shit existed--

well, here you go

(im so sorry)


"youve been at this for three days now, and all on your break. wouldnt you rather do something else?" tiziano spoke from behind, startling you somewhat.

laying on the ground, stiff as board, was you, peeping through the eyehole of a sniper rifle. a while back, a thought crossed your mind as you were preparing dinner... 'if im able to use my hand as a gun to shoot stuff with mere lipstick stains, then what else can i do with it? what can i do to broaden my ability?'

some mightve thought it foolish to tell everyone in the house, a house of lunatic assassins, your stands ability-- when it was actually genius. to them, all you can do is freeze someone or something, and cause no real damage, which was far from the truth.

to make them believe youre weak and have them underestimate you, that would give you the advantage. if a fight were to break out between you and another person here, youd most likely have the upper-hand as the person would be over confident in themselves.

these series of thoughts sparked your experiments, seeing what you could utilize with your ability.

as it turns out, whatever you leave a lipstick stain on will turn into a candy bomb with the snap of your fingers, and will encase anything around it in the same hard 'glass'. after finding this out, you began to wonder if a gun could act like a conductor to the caramel bullets, much like your hand could.

after all, the lipstick stains on your wrist never once froze you, and instead shot out when prompted... so, curious as you should be, you kissed a single bullet and loaded it into a pistol, only then aiming it at a glass bottle you had set outside and pulling the trigger.

surprisingly enough, the gun didnt become encased in caramel like it normally would if you kissed the gun itself, and instead, the bottle was caught in a wave of the candy and froze. 

this proved your tests a success, which now meant that you had to see which gun was best for you to work with. something with longer range than your hands would work, which is where you picked the rifle up.

when questioned the first day you were practicing, you merely responded with 'oh, my stand wouldnt be too useful if i were involved with a fight! its just defensive!' which was a lie, clearly.

but of course, since no one knew that, they let you practice shooting as usual.

"thank you for your concern, mister tiziano, but id like to sharpen my abilities to keep this place safe, as well as you all." you mumbled, the bright green glasses you wore today sitting on top of your head.

tiziano tilted his head, keeping up his cheery expression. "my, oh my, would you be calling us weak?"

"certainly not! its just that i believe you shouldn't waste any of your time or energy doing something that i could be capable of doing for you." 

"ah, that makes sense... say, did you shoot all of those bottles?"

"yes, and its about time that i put more up before my break finishes." you grumbled to yourself, Pink Floyd manifesting to help you to your feet. sniping in heels and a skirt wasnt too easy, but if you were going to practice shooting someone in the head, then you better practice in style.

tiziano pulled your pair of binoculars off of the ground and pressed them to his tanned face, staring into the distance with a stunned expression. "...and those shards of glass all the way out there in the woods, did you shoot bottles out that far?"

the forest he spoke of was dense and full of different obstacles that would normally get in anyone's way. however, each bottle you had put out there as a challenge, deeper than one would normally be able to shoot, was shattered. 

the rifle that was once on the dirty ground was gripped in your arm in a ready position, muzzle facing the ground. "yes, sir, i shot each of those glasses, and ill clean them immediately-"

"no, no dont do that yet." tiziano mumbled under his breath, turning to snatch an unused beer bottle from the earth. "im gonna go set this one further out in the woods, and i want you to do your best and shoot it for me, got that?"

"yes, sir."

after tiziano set foot into the woods, you made sure to keep track of where he was going, though his movements were unusually uncoordinated. one moment he'd run to the left, and the next, hed be sprinting to his right.

it was no problem to keep track of your superior, though, your trained eye sticking to his vibrant blonde hair that flew behind him. 

and then, he stopped to drop the bottle to the ground and disappeared from sight, only for you to find his location once again, high up in the trees, hopping from branch to branch fluidly.

"hey, why the hell are you looking up here?" tiziano hummed, cocking an eyebrow before stopping on a thick section of a tree.

"im awaiting for your order, sir."

"my order? i told you to shoot that bottle!"

"yes, but you were behaving strangely, so i began to follow you with my eyes. why were you running like that, mister tiziano?"

dropping down from the tree, tiziano stalked over to you and halted at your side... he seemed rather impressed by something. "i was simply testing a theory, thats all. now, shoot the bottle."

swallowing your saliva from nervousness, you steadied your rifle and held your breath, catching the glimmer of glass from afar and pulling the trigger, a large boom echoing through the tree right after. 

your superior smiled when he heard glass shatter, staring down at you with a pleased expression. it was more unsettling than comforting, and the way that he snatched your face with a tight grip sent shivers of fear down your spine.

"youve got a good eye, little maid." tiziano teased, turning your head side to side to study your (e/c) hues in detail. "and youre pretty good with guns... you could be useful."

"ill do my best to be of any use to you, sir. that is my purpose." you grunted between squished cheeks, biting back a snarky remark. 

"good girl. now, go inside and see cioccolata. the whole reason i came out here was because he requested to see you."

"whatever for? have i upset him?"

"no, but its preferred you go see him before talking to doppio." he chuckled as he let go of your face, walking away from the 'shooting range' (which was really just the woods behind hq) while leading you by the arm. 

"doppio? goodness, im in some real trouble, arent i?"

"it depends on how you respond to us finding the dead body of a man in cioccolatas office."

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