4- whales

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the frequent scratching and scrubbing of a metal pan echoed through the kitchen, a menacing wave engulfing the entire cooking area. while the kitchen may have been sparkling clean thanks to your help, you were still upset that the men that lived in this house allowed their kitchen to get into such a state. silverware was thrown around carelessly, plates and bowls were stained with a weeks worth of mold, and even a handful of dust bunnies were found huddling under the fridge and stove.

the bubbling sensation of being watched crept up your spine like a spider on its web, though it didnt bother you. its not like you were doing anything bad, right? you resumed your scrubbing, drying the pan of any remaining water and setting it to the side.

unexpectedly, as you went to grab another dirty dish, the floor melted beneath you, your body crumbling into the marble tiles. your scream was muffled by a hand that smothered your mouth, a separate arm pulling you through what felt like water that never dampened your clothes. 

you thrashed and kicked around, struggling to free yourself of your sudden captor, your stand not being of any use in this situation. just as quickly as you were snatched, your body was pulled back up above solid ground, you chest immediately meeting a soft carpet. the apron you wore was dusted with thin, sheer brown specks, which had rubbed off onto it from the carpet you found yourself on.

a painful ringing echoed through your head, its static tone muffling anything you could hear. groaning, you brought yourself to your knees, blinking a few times and huffing as you processed your surroundings.

"more, more!" a shrill voice yelled, piercing through your temporary deafness. "more!"

"will two suffice? three, perhaps?"


a low chuckle rumbled in the second speakers throat, the clinking of something hard barely making it into your poor ears. "greedy, are we? what about four?"


you warily turned your head towards the speakers, body paralyzed in fear when you found a man in a dark green body suit on all fours positioned almost directly in front of you, a second man, a much taller one, in front of him, dressed in a white smock with a blue cross. the second man had short deadlocks hanging from his head, strange markings positioned on his face and making his features all the darker.

'what kind of walmart joker-'

"ah, and what did you bring for me today, secco! im curious to know!" the man hummed, a twisted, sadistic smile stretching his face.

the human/animal/thing that sat like a dog in front of you grumbled, crunching on what sounded like mints. "mnh... woman."

"splendid! what is she here for?"

the crunching continued, the mans words barely moving around whatever was inside their mouth. "...debt cover."

the man with green dreadlocks laughed, putting his hand under his chin as he stared down at you. "oh, a family hero! tell me, sweetie, who are you covering for?"

you swallowed your saliva, your (e/c) eyes quickly glancing down at your wrists and finding you had only three caramel bullets stored. "my mother. she left me, my brother, and my father with this problem."

"ah, i see! and why couldnt your father fill in for you?"

"he's old and broken, and my brother needs a father figure in his life to help him grow. he needs to know that not everyone will walk out on him."

the man nodded, tilting his head. "truly tragic. what a sad life you have, girl. this excites me..."

you froze. "pardon?"

"tell me, girl, what is your name?"

should you give him a fake name? should you lie-? no, doppio most likely already spread the word about your stay here to the rest of the tenants. just tell the truth and you'll be safe. "im-im (y/n). ill be staying here for a little while until im sorted into a team, mister...?"

"cioccolata. you may call me cioccolata. my assistant over there is named secco, he's the one that brought you to me." he answered, walking over to you and crouching to your level. "can you tell me what you were doing in the kitchen?"

"i was just cleaning! i was about to prepare food for you all as a thank you for letting me stay here, mister cioccolata!"

he huffed, "you see, that's what i was curious about. how well can you cook?"

you fixed yourself so you sat on your knees, hands dusting off the dirtied apron you wore. "i used to be a sous chef, sir, so i'd say im pretty good."

you watched as his twisted eyes lit up with excitement as he smiled. "a cook! what a lovely addition to this house of broken men!"

you couldnt tell if he was mocking you or if he was serious. "addition?" you repeated. "but i wont be staying here permanently, according to mister doppio. ill only be here for three days at most."

cioccolatas eyes dropped, the smile on his face quickly turning to a frown. "then ill just have to convince him otherwise. im not eating Carnes garbage when i have the chance at having a personal cook."

pushing your sunglasses up your nose, you gave the mad man a nervous smile. there was no way that you were going to become a personal cook for a man that looks like a whole virus. (an attractive virus, at that. )

"tell me, (y/n),"  he said out of nowhere, "i was told you have a thing for accessories and sweets. is that true?"

you nodded, adjusting your blue lensed sunglasses in emphasis. "that is correct."

"then, if i were to promise you an unlimited supply of such, would you cook for me?"

be smart about this, (y/n), dont fall for temptation. "i will cook for you unconditionally while i stay here, so there is no need to bribe me."

"no, what im saying is... if i were to provide you with all the things you were to ever want, will you stay here and work as my personal little cook?"

dont fall for it, dont fall for it, dont fall for it- "i cant make that decision on my own. you'll have to ask mister doppio to make sure that's ok."

cioccolata seemed upset, a frown pulling at his face. "are you saying i have any less authority than him? are you saying that im lesser than doppio?"

oooh, you messed up. "n-no! never would i think that! im-im only saying that, since he's the bosses right hand man, it would be best to ask him for definite permission.."

you studied his face for any signs of discomfort or anger, though he seemed rather pleased. "ah, i suppose that much is true."

he snatched your wrist and stood up again, dragging you with him as he left the room you were brought to. "lets go and ask him, then, my favorite little chef!"

god, it hasnt even been a day and you already want to leave.

cioccolata: ill literally buy you everything you want

y/n: it smells like sugar daddy in here


cioccolata, holding y/n in the air like a cat, letting her legs dangle beneath her: please

doppio: no, you cant keep her

cioccolata, swinging y/n back and forth: baby cook. baby.

doppio: just- put them down and leave them alone

cioccolata: nO-


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