Chapter Ten

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    I walk straight into Erudite headquarters. Everyone stares at me. I try to ignore them. I go up to the front desk. “I need to speak to the leader of your faction.” I say. The woman at the counter shakes her head. “Sorry. Can’t.” She says with a high voice. She keeps her eyes on the computer screen. I frown. I back up a step. “I need to speak to your leader right now. I am aware that you leader is trying to find a Divergent to do test on.” I smile and lean so I am closer to the woman’s face. “I am Divergent and I am the most powerful Divergent yet.” I say. I frown again. The woman looks up at me. “Guards.” She says. Two people dressed in uniforms come up to. They have tattos. They must be people from Dauntless that went to Erudite when the war started. “Hand over your weapons.” One of the guards say while pointing their gun at me. I take out both of my guns and past them over. They take my backpack and tie a piece of  plastic around my wrists.

    They lead me toward a cell. Someone grabs me by the shoulder that I got shot at and shove me into the cell. I bite on my lip. I try to keep in a scream. Pain races through me. They shut the door behind me. I am tired and I decide to go to sleep. I lay down on the floor. Once I close my eyes I fall asleep.

    I wake up to someone shaking my shoulder. I get up. The person is the only person I wish I didn’t see. Erin. He backs up when I stand up. He smiles. “I can see you considered my plan.” He says. I frown and shake my head. “The only reason I am doing this is because I want to not feel guilty for the rest of my life. Plus to save the ones I love and don’t even think for once you are one of them.” I scowl at him. He frowns. “Fine.” he says. He grabs my arm and pulls me out of the cell.

We walk down some long hallways. He takes a sharp right and we end up at a hallway with a door at the end. He takes a card from his pocket and puts it under the scanner. I hear a click and the door flings open. Erin pushes me forward. I look at his shoulder. There is a bandage right where I shot him. He shoves me. I look away. There is a man about in the 30’s. He smiles when he sees me. “Why hello Lydia Tragaser. Or shall I call you Lynne.” he says. I glare at him. “How do you know my name?” I ask him. “When you are at Erudite, you do a lot of research.” he says.He sticks out his hand so I could shake it. “My name is Aaron. I am the leader of Erudite.” He says as I shake his hand. No matter what I will not feel comfortable shaking hands. “We will be testing serums on you.” He says. But then he raises an eyebrow. “And you said you were one of the most powerful Divergent yet.” He says. I nod. “I am able to control simulations and some serums.” I say. he raises his eyebrows. “That is impressive. I have never heard that before. I wonder how that is possible. Do you mind if I take a nerve sample?” He asks me. I shrug. “It is fine with me.” I say. he takes a syringe from a brown box. In it is a pink liquid. He pushes the needle into my neck. My neck aches for a little while but other than that I am use to it. “There.” he says when he is done. He looks at a girl who looks like a scientist. He nods and the girl taps the screen. An image shows up. It is a picture of lines, circles, and numbers. I get a headache by looking at it. “These are your nerves. They show how you are Divergent which yours show that you are a Divergent.And according to to your nerves they show that they are the best ones that represent Divergent if you compare them to the others.” He says. It is kind of cool to find out something about yourself. he examines the image. “Now if you follow me Miss Tragaser.” he says. He opens a door that was behind him.

I follow him into the room. I see a medal bed and wires. There are three other people in there. One of them which is a girl smiles then nods at me. “May you please lay down.” She says. I do what I am told. I lay down on the medal bed. It is cold. I shiver. I hear yelling and screaming outside. I sit up, trying to look at what is making the noise. A soldier opens the door. he shuts it behind him. he pushes me down. “What are you doing?” I yell. Someone straps me down. I try to get free but I am tired and weak. The yelling and screaming comes closer. The soldier and the scientists have a worried look. I start to hear gun shots. Aaron takes out another syringe that contains something green. he inches toward me but lowers the needle toward my neck. He doesn’t inject it just places on my neck. Everyone looks at the door. The door swings open. Caleb, Karley, Kailey, Trance, and Dare barge in. I look at them. They hold guns in their hands. “Lynne.” Caleb says. He looks at me. He holds the gun up at Aaron and takes a step closer. The needle goes in deeper into my neck. I grit my teeth. “Come any closer and I will inject this serum into her. It is a new serum called Fear serum. Really swell stuff. Fear is more painful than actual pain.” he says. “Want to see an example?” he asks them. They all look at Aaron. he injects me with the serum.

It happens immediately. My palms get sweaty. I could hear my own heart beat. It is beating really fast. I close my eyes and try to fight the serum. I am not able to. I open my eyes to see Kailey, Karley, Trance, and Dare dead on the floor. I scream all their names. They don’t move. I know they are dead but it looks like they aren’t. I find Caleb standing with a gun pointed at his head. Erin is holding the gun. Caleb’s eyes search mine. “Erin, don’t you think about doing that.” I say. My voice is scratchy. “It ok Lynne. Everything will be okay. As long as you live, everything will be okay.” He smiles. Erin smiles and pulls the trigger. I watch Caleb fall the ground. I scream and shut my eyes.

I feel another sharp pain in my neck. I open my eyes to see Aaron with another syringe. I gasp. I am back in reality. I let my head fall to the madal that is underneath me. My cheeks are wet. Why would they do that to me? I take a couple deep breaths. I look at Caleb and the rest. They all have worried look on their faces and they all have their guns up. “Let her go.” Kailey says. “Or I’ll shoot.” She adds. He raises an eyebrow. “Will you Miss Carson? Last time I checked you had trouble shooting at people.” Aaron says. “Innocent people, yes. As for you, you are not innocent.”She says. She holds the gun tighter than before. “Plus, i still have control over your friend, Lynne, here.” He takes out another serum. It is black. I notice it right away. Death serum. That is when I start struggling to get free again. Aaron inches closer to me. Sweat starts to collect on my palm. Then I remember why I went here. I came here to go on a suicidal mission. And that is what I am doing. I stop struggling. I take deep breaths and close my eyes. This is what I came here for. This is what I been preparing myself for. I hear shuffling feet then a gunshot. A sharp pain rushes through my neck. I open my eyes. I see the needle of the syringe in my neck. There is no more liquid in it. My eyes start to go heavy. I look around. I see Aaron-dead on the floor-and other soldiers that have been shot. My breaths some shorter. My body relaxes. My vision goes a little blurry. Everything is bouncing back and forth. I see Caleb running to my side. he takes the syringe from my neck. He grazes his thumb on my cheek. “You can’t die.” He says. I smile. “I know I was born to do this.” I say. He is the last thing I see before my eyes close.

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