Chapter Three

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    We walk toward Erudite. Lynne is clutching my arm. Erin doesn’t even look at us. I feel a sharp pain of guilt. Erin finally looks at me by the corner of his eye. His jaw is clenched and his hands are in a fist. That was the only warning I got. Next thing I knew there was a fist slamming into my jaw. I loose my balance and fall down. I reach with my hand to touch my jaw. My mouth starts to fill with blood. I look at Lynne. She is held back by two people who look about the same age as Erin. She starts to struggle against them. Her eyes look glassy but she is not crying. Erin marches toward me. There is anger in his eyes. He kicks me in the side. I go breathless. I groan. Erin grabs my arm and pulls me up but then slamming me to the ground. A sharp pain goes through my head. Black starts to appear at the edge of my eyes. I feel something warm go down my head. I move my hand to the sharp pain and feel something thick and warm. Blood. “What are you doing?!” Lynne yells. Erin glares at her. He pulls out a gun and points it at me. What are you suppose to do when you are at gunpoint? “This is what happens when you get me angry.” He says. His voice sounds scratchy. I hear a gunshot and a sharp pain goes through my shoulder. I wince and pull my hand to my shoulder. More pain. I hear a scream and some punching and kicking and groaning. I see Lynne rushing to my side. Erin keeps his gun pointing at me. Lynne goes in the path of the gun and stays there so he won’t shoot me again. “What do you think you are doing? You think you could get your way by just hurting someone! They have a word for that in Dauntless. And its a coward!” She yells at him. He looks at her. “Move out of the way Lynne.”He says in a calm voice. She gets up but is still in the way of the gun. She presses her chest to the gun. “Not a chance.” She says in a low quiet voice. He looks at her straight in the eyes. “Run and get away from here. Let this be your only warning.”His voice is trembling. He moves his gun a little so it is not in the heart or in the lungs and shoots. She falls to the ground. My mouth is open. I want to yell her name but no words come out. He puts the gun away. He still is looking at Lynne’s fallen body. “I’m sorry.” He says. He turns around and starts to run off toward Erudite. Some people that I never saw in Dauntless run after him. Some other teenagers run as well.

    I push the pain aside and go to Lynne’s side. She is now in a small puddle of her own blood. I move my hand into hers. Her eyes are wide. She squeezes my hand hard but I don’t care. Trance, Dare, Kailey, and Karley move away from the crowd and go to Lynne’s side as well. Kailey just stares at her and Karley grabs her other hand. “We need to get her to a hospital or at least a doctor.” Trance says. Dare shakes his head. “There isn’t a hospital near us. The closest one is a mile away.” He says in a low voice. A woman in the crowd raises her hand. “I use to be a doctor. I could help.” She says. I nod. I let go of Lynne’s hand. “Caleb….”Lynn says. I look at her. Her eyes are glossy and are golden brown. I could look at them all day if I could. “Make sure you don’t get yourself into trouble.” She laughs a little. Even when she is at the edge of death, she thinks like it is not happening. Her breathes come faster. Her smile starts to fade. The doctor rushes to her side while carrying a large bag. It is a medical kit. The doctor takes out a pair of scissors, a knife, a needle, some thread, gloves, and a huge bandage. She moves the knife toward Lynne’s wound. She moves the knife around. Lynne winces. The doctor takes out a small piece of medal. The bullet. She searches through the bag. She takes out a bottle and pours some of a yellow liquid on the wound. “What is that?” Kailey asks. “It is a medicine that makes it heal faster.”She says while still working on Lynne. “Usually it will take about a month to heal and this medicine will make it only a few days. It’s really useful." She says while finishing sewing Lynne’s bullet wound. She places the bandage on it. Lynne’s eyes are closed but she is still breathing. “She should wake up in a day because of blood loss.” She looks at me then at my shoulder. “And we need to fix your shoulder.”

    After the doctor fixed my shoulder, we went to a near by house. No matter what I stay by Lynne’s side, or tried to be. I go upstairs to check on her. She is in the room at the end of the hallway. I open it slowly and walk in. She is on her back and her hands are straight at her sides. For some reason, the position she is in looks uncomfortable. I pull a chair to the bed and sit on it. Her breathes come short and fast. Her head moves to the side a little. I slip my hands into hers.

Her eyes open and she quickly sits up. I get up, startled. She has her mouth open like she is screaming but nothing comes. Her eyes look glassy. She looks around slowly. She finds my eyes and they stay there. She swings her arms and me and buries her face into my neck. I hesitate for a while then I throw my arm around her. She squeezes me so tight it hurts but I don’t care. All I care about is that she is ok. I pull her away to look at her. Her cheeks are wet and she is gasping for air. I skim her cheeks with my thumbs. She moves her hand so it is on mine. She goes back to burying her face into my neck. “It’s okay.” I say trying to calm her down. We stay there for a while, her hugging me and me trying to calm her down.

After a while we start to go downstairs, hand in hand. She wipes her cheeks when we are in the hallway. “You know you aren’t suppose to be awake till tomorrow, right?” I ask her. She nods. “I know. I guess it has something to do with being….” She doesn’t finishes. I know the answer. With being divergent.

    We slowly go down the stairs. Everyone is either in the living room or kitchen eating. Everyone looks at Lynne as we go through the crowd. We find our way to the kitchen where Dare, Trance, Karley, and Kailey are. I look a little to the right. Then I see him. John, the traitor. He stands there eating toast. I move toward my friends, ignoring John. “She’s awake?” Dare asks looking at Lynne. She looks around and when no one is looking she points at her head. “Divergent remember.” She whispers.

She looks at John. “What is he doing here?” She spits it out like she doesn’t even care how rude it is. John looks in our direction. He immediately looks away. Kailey’s eyebrows go in. “He came here trying to warn us about Erin. I don’t know why he would do that when he was working with Erudite, but we had to let him. He found out he was too late about the warning. We told him about what happened, you getting shot in the shoulder and Lynne getting shot in the chest.” She shrugs. “He says he regrets what he did….but,” She says. “But we don’t believe him. Everyone is keeping an eye on him.” Karley finishes for Kailey Lynne shakes her head. “I never thought someone that...well...nice and calm, would be so deadly and violent inside.” Lynne says. I look at her wide eyes. “What?” She asks. “You were like that if I could remember.” I say eyeing her. She looks at her shoes. “If you were closer and tried to be a better friend,” She looks at me. “You would know that was not me.” She says quietly. A pain of guilt sweeps through me. I shouldn’t have lied to her when she left to go to Dauntless for the rest of her life or lied to her before.

    After a moment of us being in silent, John walks toward us. Kailey and Karley go in front of Lynne. Dare and Trance stay behind her. She reaches for my hand, sliding them between my fingers, and she squeezes. John comes closer but no that close. He is trying to keep his distance from us. “Listen…” he says in a quiet and low voice. “I am sorry for hurting you, Lynne. I never meant to. Its just…. they threatened me and my family. I had to do something.” He says. “That doesn’t mean you hurt your own friends.” Lynne says. “If that is what we still are.” She adds. John looks at the floor. “Can I just take to you in private?” John asks. He looks at her. His eyes look like he is pleading. Lynne looks at me in the corner of her eye. Dare shakes his head. “Not a chance.” Dare says. “Please. I just need to talk to her.” John asks looking at me. “Can I just say something to her. It’s important.” He says. “Why would I let you…” I say. I get interrupted by Lynne. She puts her hand up as if saying no more. “I will let you talk to me. Only and only if you never lie to me or our friends ever again.” Lynne says. “Are you crazy Lynne? He almost killed you and you are letting him talk to you when you are alone?” Karley asks. She shakes her head. “I won’t be alone.” She looks at me. “Caleb is coming with me.” She adds. John frowns. “I would rather have both of you than neither of you.” He says with a breathe.

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