Chapter Six

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    I move through the crowd. Everyone is laughing or smiling. No wonder I left Amity. I still remember the house I grew up at when there were no factions. I go down the street and take a left. I spot the house about 10 feet away from me. I freeze. Should I really be going back? I take a deep breathe and walk up onto the steps. They creak below me. I hear running and laughter from inside. I knock on the door three times. I keep my hands into a fist so you can't see them shaking. A woman with blond hair and dark blue eyes open the door. Who is she? Her smile turns into into a frown. “Helan!” she yells. “They have people from Dauntless walking around Amity again!” She adds.

Helan. That was my mom names. A woman with brown hair and brown eyes walk to the door. She spots me. Her eyes go big and glassy and her mouth goes open. “Lydia?” She asks. I nod and then smile. She hugs me and I go stiff. Dauntless don’t hug. She releases me. “Sorry. I forgot that people from Dauntless don’t hug.” She says. She opens the door for me.

A smell of apples and other fruits hit my nose when I walk in.The floor creaks below me. I follow my mom and the other woman into the living room. There is a man with blond hair and blue eyes, just like the woman, sitting on the couch. There is a man with black hair and brown eyes that sits in a chair, my dad. All the laughing and smiling goes away when they look at me. My dad gets up. “What is a Dauntless doing in our house?” He says. There is anger in his eyes. He probably thinks that Dauntless are cowards and mean nothing since I went with them instead of staying with my family. “Harold.” My mom says. My mom touches my shoulder. “This is Lydia, Lydia this is Harold.” My dad looks at me with an open mouth. He hugs me. Why do they always hug? He releases me and sits back down. “What are you doing here, Lydia?” The woman asks. I take a deep breathe. This is not going to be easy. I open my mouth to say something but the wall to my right explodes. I fall to the ground. The impact hurts my wound on my chest. I quickly get up. Everyone is crouching and having the arms over their heads. Two girls come from upstairs. One of them is my sister. “What’s going on?” She asks. “We have to get out of here!” I yell. I take out my gun. “Come on!” I go through the hole in the wall. Everyone follows me. I run across the street. I knock on the door. A woman opens it. “Get your family out of here. And fast.” I tell her. She nods and yells some names. People start rushing out of the house. I recognize only one name. Matt. I try not to look at him when he comes out. He looks older and much more mature. I go to the three other houses and do the same thing. More bombing. “Follow me everyone!” I yell. I head toward the woods.

As we enter the woods we hear more bombing. We all run as fast as we can. We finally got to a spot where we couldn't hear the bombing and is semi-safe. No where is same anymore. Everyone sits down. I keep my gun at my side. “What was that about?” A woman asks me. “The Erudite are bombing each faction.” I say. “Who are you first of all?” A man asks. He looks like John. John’s dad I am guessing. “My name is Lydia, or if you were from Dauntless you would know me as Lynne.” I say going straighter. “I am friends with all your children that transferred to Dauntless. Erudite was going to kill you guys first so I decided to come and save you. I don’t know how to save your faction though.” I say. They all go quiet. “We are staying here for the night.” I say. “Make yourself at home.”

As the sun sets, I take quard since I am the only one who knows how to shoot a gun. I sit up in the tree so I could keep an eye on everyone. I could see more bombing and I could hear faint screaming. I shut my eyes and take a deep breathe. I hear a twig snap and I look to my right. I see Matt at the branch next to mine. I look back out. “What do you want?” I asks him. “I just wanted to see how you are doing. I haven’t seen you since about 5 or 6 years ago.” He says sitting next to me. He leans in and I lean out. “What’s wrong?” He asks. I shake my head. “I know I left with me and you going out but I can’t go back like that.” I say. “I have grown and I have moved on. I am dating someone else.” I smile at the thought of Caleb. “I am sorry but...this can’t happen.” I say. He leans away. “That’s what I thought you would say.” he says in a low and quiet voice. I sigh and look at the bombing again. I close my eyes and lean against the tree.

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