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Angela POV

The taste of victory ran through me as I won another game of Pac-Man against Mikster.

So far, life has been great for the past quick four months with the turtles, Master Splinter,  Apirl and yes even with Casey in it.

I can trust them with anything; well I mean I been trusted April but still. The feeling that I can feel that they placed their trust on me too makes me feel at home. Everything is pretty much like a normal life; if you call having to live with five mutants underground because a evil clan wants to take your soul..... then yes! It's completely pretty normal.

Donnie, Raph, and Leo treat me like a little sister as I treat them like big brothers I never had. Mikey; on the other hand, is a different and complicated story.

We gotten close, so so very close to where he sleeps in my room from time to time to talk and distract us whenever there's a storm outside. Yet; at the same time, it feels like we're miles apart in so so many levels. Every time he smiles makes me have a zoo fluttering in my chest and my face felt majorly hot most likely looking like a hot potato.

'Doc, what's my issue?' I asked my imaginary health provider
'Well Awesome Queen Ninja Angela, your case is that your undeniably in love with your turtle best friend and those no stopping it'

Another unfortunate part is Mikey's too innocent to know about love or even a crush. I just can't tell him how I feel; I can't even tell myself I'm the mirror. He probably doesn't even feel the way I feel for him.

Yes I admit it, I have feelings for the orange clad, baby blue sparkling eyes, energetic, pizza loving, skateboarding champ of a turtle; Michelangelo. It's actually funny how a girl can have more liking to a turtle than another human.

"Angle, you there? Woohoo!!" asked the said turtle bringing me out of my deep thoughts seeing him wave his three fingered hand in my face. We were going through our original routine; which was video games, pizza, video games, than repeat.

I chuckled to calm down my nerves and grabbed his hand holding it tight with a smile on both of our faces heading out of my room that we were currently in. That genuine smile can always bring me up when I need it, and even if I don't, he's sort of like another me but he's a dude, and a ninja, mutated, turtle.

"What are y'all two doin'?" Raph's Brooklyn voice surprised me and we both jumped shooting our head in the red masked turtles direction at the doorway only seeing him give a side smirk once again for the millionth time.

What's with all the grinning the 3 turtles and April do at Mikey and I.  We only stole one box of pizza and now we get stared at for the rest of my life.

"W-we were just uh..... Getting ready for patrol" Mikey tried stalling.

" You already know Angela can't leave this lair... so try again shell for brains"

Deciding to not answer and leave it at that, we walked past his brother and walked downstairs wanting some food.

Just then April came out the doorway of the lair seeing her tessens out, Leo and Donnie came out of there hiding places into the group getting ready to go out.

"So who you think we're battling this time?" Mikey asked talking to the others while I sat on the couch not feeling hungry anymore.

After the incident, Master Splinter said it was too dangerous for my orange colored eyed to be seen out in public. Which meant, no patrolling; the only time I go out is to see Uncle Murakami once a week and school because nothing should be taking me away from that prison; not even the Shredder.

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