Black & Blonde Just Don't Mix

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I now finally see why the guys like coming out here at night and to fight. The city was breathtaking and the cool yet warm breeze that sent goose bumps up your arms and examining the smaller version of civilization on the streets of New York made me feel big and powerful.

We flipped and did tricks as we hopped from one building to another as we watched the sun slowly fall into slumber for the day not yet to see the moon . Until Leo decided to stop suddenly in his tracks not giving us a good warning and Mikey bumped into me which made me bumped into Donnie on accident. He didn't fall like I did, but looked back at me which I gave a apologetic smile and he helped me up and I did the same to Mikey.

We all stayed quiet trying to figure out why Leo was acting like this.

"Leo why did you ju-" Raph sentence was cut short when a ninja star came speeding between the two brothers that stood beside one another and the star was deeply impaled in the cement floor almost getting their feet.

We looked up to see a silhouette probably in my age who had a suit of armor that shined off the moonlight's glow.

None of the guys nor moved an inch; the mysterious newcomer didn't mind the turtles and stepped closer to us not phased by seeing human sized turtles.  You could tell the figure was a she from the long black bangs and her hair was cut very short in the back with it being dyed blond. She held a grin upon her red painted lips and they sortof- no definitely gave me chills now.

"I see you have another freak with you" she insulted glaring from the turtles to me then back at the turtles.

I stayed in my place looking as non-scared as possible.

"Karai what do you want now?" Leo asked in a calm yet stern voice taking out his Katanas smoothly.

"My Father would like the freak with the orange eyes, seems she's very valuable to the Kraang"

'Well that stung'

I took my stance beside the orange clad turtle who had his chucks swinging in blurry circular motion already and whipped out my kamas silently following the turtles lead knowing there was a fight about to start.

"Fine then, Ninjas Attack the turtles but leave the peasant to me"

Not even a chance to blink; there stood about 100 ninjas around her and surrounded us. 5 vs. 100 is not a fair game now, can't we all get along and spread the pizza.

All at once they attacked the turtles and I began to do my part and assist them. A blow was already grown in my side without me even realizing it. That Karai was majorly quick but she doesn't know any of my trick up my sleeve.

I quickly got up grunting at the pain holding my left shoulder as it was the party of my body that hit the floor first. That Karai chick took out a smaller single Katana like Leo's twin ones charging at me with great speed yelling out a battle cry.

I stood firm and charged after her tightening my grip until my knuckles turned white on the wooden bars. My blades swung at her once more; anyone could tell that she had a ton of training in ninjitsu as well. The blonde and black hair dyed girl dodged my the blow and I high kicked her in the stomach, aiming at the opposite side next but she reflected it with a swift move to the right. I thought and felt her leg before I could react to feel my face get met with the cement. My palms took the major damage, it stung with the tiny pebbles and dirty scrapes of blood being penetrated even further as I only had time to groan and clench my teeth together in frustration now eager to win this battle and went to my position again.

" It must be hard Angela to be seen with these pathetic creatures you call friends" she insulted at me swinging her sword around which I reflected with my own weapon.

Orange eyes(COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now