Why.. Why Would you; Ughh!!

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       April POV

" Angela hurry up!" I yelled, watching my short best friend run down the stairs matching a neon orange sweat jacket with dark blue skinny jeans and black all stars to wear on her feet. It was getting cooler outside from the crisp breeze of autumn now so I wore my black jacket with my usual getup for today.

We linked our arms together and playfully skipped out the lair leaving the boys behind in the dojo training with Master Splinter and into the surface world. Since Angela has been complaining to Leo non-stop for the past two weeks that she wanted 'Fresh air' and protested that she needed to go out more. With great patience and lots of pain killers, the leader in blue decided to let her go with me supervising to the grocery store only to get what we need and come back.

'Yeah right, technically Leo only said to just go to the store.... he didn't say how many we could go in'

We walked to the super food store occupying the quiet talking about random things that came to mind. Angela must be acting funny; the only thing she was constantly wanting to bring up the most was our purple clad nerd turtle, Donnie. Either if it was starting with me talking about wanting to go to the new Imagine Dragons concert or how close we were to finding my Dad, she would always find a way of putting his name in the conversation. I thought she liked Mikey; thy're going out for turtle- sake!  And she knew I  had a possible confusing crush on the nerd for a while.

'Is she really going behind my back? I thought she was my best friend'

I can't help the pit of the dark emotions filling inside of me to my core.

We both entered the store and grabbed what the guys had put on the list for us to buy and for ourselves and headed to the front to check out.  Angela paid with the money the turtles stashed us with, later grabbing four bags each and went back out.

" April what's up with you? You were just fine a minute ago when we walked to the store and then you went mute when we got in and still now. Are you ok? Oooo maybe Donnie can cheer you up" She nudged my shoulder lightly singing the last word of her sentence only making the hatred of her stealing my lover rise in disbelief.

Without noticing, I sped up my pace in front of her letting her question linger in the air. When only needed to keep going three more streets down and take a left to the manhole that would give us a shortcut to the lair.

An small yelp made my head shoot towards the distress call dropping the bought food to hold my tensens. Angela collapsed on the ground not too far behind me holding her right thigh. My sisterly instincts came out; before I knew it, I had Angela's head in my lap carefully pulling out a dart that was the cause of her fall.

"April... I-I can't feel my my legs", the fear was evident in her voice and facial expression.

I placed my hand on her forehead to pull it back from the hot waves she was bringing out. Whatever that was in that dart sure did do some damage.

Not even a minute passed when I heard a females laughing darkly

'Oh shit, what now?'

The black and blonde hair colored girl; Karai, walked in oh so casually with her small army of robot ninjas in the broad day light.

" Oh look its the trouble makers we've been looking for, that was easier than before " she spoke with venom in her voice

Angela was the first to speak in a hoarse tone, "How'd you find us?"

" What do you want Karai? " I spoke with authority lacing my voice getting up to face the demon spawn.

" To bring you two to my father and Krang of course. For some reason your very valuable to both. Foot attack!"

It was somewhat easy attacking the foot that charged at me with my tensens simply slicing then with its sharp edges. I looked around to see two of them dragging a dozed off brown headed girl away; a part of me wanted to help the sister figure of a friend, except my feelings were continuously filled with betrayal from before and the small evil demon in my left shoulder told me to just leave her.


I did what I had to do...

I grabbed a smoke bomb from my pocket and in seconds I was on the roof watching them drag my best- stranger away and Karai looking straight at me this whole time of my escape still smirking with hands gesturing for them to leave.

'Why did she let me go? Was it just to get Angela instead? What's so great about her?'


       Mikey POV

I walked out the dojo with my brothers behind me out of breath from the long hours of training that took up half our day. I first sited April laying down watching Tom and Jerry at the same time on her phone.

'Where's my Angela at?'

" Hey dudette, where's Angela? " I jumped on the couch forgetting about my exhaustion getting excited to see Angel Cake coming from a corner or something to surprise everyone maybe. She knows I like surprises; she's so amazing.

"Oh her? ...yeah, Karai came out of nowhere and attacked us and we fought off most of them but they shot Ang. with a tranquilizer and Karai knocked me out before anything else happened and when I woke up they vanished" She started to panic so suddenly with wide eyes the size of plates standing up a now making small circles in our floor.

That's weird. It was sort of hard for me to  understand since Ang. and April are close friends; almost sister like to each other and if anything happened they wouldn't be now saying  something like the other got kidnapped.

Nevertheless, the information she told me about my Angle Cakes stroke the fear inside me that went overboard not letting anything else come through my mind now thinking at what possible things they could be doing to her.

" But April why are you just now saying something while Ang. is in danger now" Raph spoke up breaking my train of thought.

" I didn't wanna disturb you guys with training" She spoke quickly stopping in her tracks.

'Is it just me or is April acting strange?'

" Yeah but you know if its an emergency we can cut training short" Leo progressed on

" Leonardo I just got attacked from Karai and the Foot, do you really think I would let my f-friend get kidnapped on purpose" April argued back

She wanted to say something else to defend herself, but I stopped her before she can start; " We don't have time for this dudes, we gotta hurry up and save Angela!"

Angela isn't just my girlfriend, she's my best friend, a person you can talk to about anything, some one that can light up a dark room with her bright smile. She might look strange to others with her unique color eyes and passionate character but to me she's perfect the whole definition of 'Being different makes you beautiful'.


I didn't even realize that I was already jumping on roof to roof on the top side until the shouts of my brothers called me back to the world probably after multiple calls that I ignored. The wind was cooler than I would like in the night and every corner and dark alley held something that we needed...

Answers, and we know the one group that knows everything, and can get beaten quickly to get the answers we need.

      Angel Cakes, stay safe and sound

Hola my ninjas, thank you for selecting one of my books to read 😁.
I do hope you enjoy every page from it and continue to be a turtle lover
Ok! So Thank You for everyone that decided to take the time to read this book. Also I wanted to give a special thanks to the amazing turtle lovers that volunteered to be the characters for my books.

Snicker143 as Angela💚


Orange eyes(COMPLETE)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon