I bit my lip as I turned to the next page - my eight and a half. It was my first boyfriend. The second boy I had ever liked. The one who turned me into a slut. I closed my eyes and tried to block the night everything went downhill. But it came altogether, like a train. Like the inevitable marching closer. 

2 Years Earlier

I downed a pill and sat up a bit straighter in my bed. The small injection that doctors leave in your veins of upper palm was still taped to my hand. The experimental medication hadn't shown any side effect yet except for what the doctor had told us. And we couldn't test for that - obviously. My movements were still slow as my bones still ached. 

I kept my Mac on my table and opened my wardrobe to pick out  clothes appropriate for Diwali. I loved both parts of my heritage but since I looked more Indian, lived here and were surrounded by Indians I am especially attached to it. I searched through a few lehangas as my cousins from UK chattered through a shared video call. 

"Catherine, this or that?" I picked out two outfits and showed them to an older sister. 

"Oh the silvery and pink one! It looks so nice!" Catherine, the oldest of us, said. Johnny groaned through the entire process since we couldn't involve him. "I wish I could be there! Plus that dude in your neighborhood is hot!"

"Yeah well they moved out Cathy!" I went out to change and continued the makeup while chatting with them. "Now you both I'll send you loads of pictures! Got to go now!" I put the Mac on my window ceiling so they could see the decoration outside and went downstairs with my family. 

I feasted upon sweets and applied some henna along with my aunts on my palms. As the evening progressed we sat in the pooja and then I went out to watch the others burn crackers and fireworks. At around ten I went on my terrace away from everybody's prying eyes. That was the custom here. All romantic meetings happened on the terraces. 

I waited for him - my boyfriend. Fifteen minutes later he came up. He looked dashing, no lies. But there was something off. But what do thirteen year olds know about communication? I trusted him. He was fifteen, tall, athletic, and a rebel. He hung out with older boys and he rode a motorbike. What more did I care about then?

"I am breaking  off things Nikita." He said bluntly, after he had kissed me. My lip-gloss was shining on his lower lip and I expected him to laugh off any moment. But he didn't. Admittedly I hadn't met him in the past 15 days for I was in the hospital... but breaking off?

"Why?" I asked stifling tears. The second time I had handed someone my heart and it had broken in another million pieces. 

"Come on Nikita! You know why. You suffer from this... you know? Freak disease? And like you aren't even that beautiful. You aren't even fair like your mum or your cousins from abroad, you're short and you've changed. I can't do this anymore." He shrugged. I was dumbfounded. None of this was my fault. 

"Aadi... I-I... None of this is my fault." 

"It isn't. When did I say it is your fault? All I'm saying is I am not obliged to be with you. It's done." 

"How have I changed?" I asked grasping his wrist. 

He turned away at first but when he saw my insistence he sighed. "You have. You aren't the old Nikita."

"I am Aadi!" I implored begging so he would stay. 

"You aren't! You don't come to the pool nowadays. Unless you are there who'll believe me I have a curvy girlfriend? You don't come out to play. You aren't cheerful anymore." 

"I was just ill!" I urged again. "And my doctor told me against swimming."

"Not. My. Fault." He jerked his hand free and turned away. He didn't spare me a second glance as he pulled out his phone and started talking to someone and disappeared. 

Merely five days later, I was back in the pool, back as a Blader and I kissed each of his five friends he was showing me off to. I never stopped from there. 

He shattered my heart and I shattered his.


Even that pain, even that didn't reach a ten for me. I was waiting for the ten in my life. I don't know why... but as I glued Kai's picture and wrote a nine under his name I felt this man would also be my ten, twenty and infinity. 

I closed the album and tossed it in the wardrobe. I pulled the sheets over my face and closed my eyes. 

hello! updating quicker than before, ain't i? well, if you like the chapter than post loads of comments, share it, tag your friends and maybe drop in votes :)


~nicole <3

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