Chapter 1

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Third Person POV

Janus sighed as he'd finally calmed down. He dropped the facade and shifted back into himself. He put Virgil's old sweater back into his closet.

Janus did this when anxious or stressed. He'd safe shift into Virgil and do breathing exercises to help him calm down.

Janus did this quite often.
He did this with all the sides.

When he felt his emotions weighing down on him he shifted into Patton. Always happy and optimistic. Janus shifted to feel the same way.

When he needs to focus on work, he'd become Logan. His serious demeanour and working habits is something Janus copied when he shifted.

He'd become Roman on days he was feeling insecure. He took the confidence that Roman had most days. It may seem a bit odd because he shifts into Roman but it works for Janus.

Lastly he'll shift into Remus. On the days where his head won't stop and he can just think of ways to harm himself. He'd never acted on the thoughts of course. He'd shift to Remus because these are thoughts Remus learned to live with. If he was Remus it was the same to him.

Overworking and overly stressful days with waves of emotion were days where Janus had to just sit and cry in his room. There wasn't anything he could do.


"Do we have to?" Roman asked, sounding ticked off.

"Yes Roman. He is a side. It's best to get his opinion. Don't you agree Virgil?" Logan asked turning to the side in question.

Virgil hated this but nodded anyway. "It wouldn't hurt to ask." He agreed.

"Perfect! Call him Thomas!" Patton smiled, masking the worry underneath. "I really don't want him to come." Patton thought as he hoped Janus' wouldn't show.

"Yay! Janus is coming!" Remus cheered from  behind the TV.

Thomas nodded and summoned Janus.

The snake rose up next to Patton and Roman. Patton was disappointed.

"HEY JAN!" Remus waved at the dark counterpart. "Oh that's where you went today. I assumed you went to the Imagination." Janus smirked.  "Now what can I help with?"

"Thomas has a high school reunion coming up. Virgil doesn't wish to go, nor do I. Virgil is anxious about seeing people who had hurt Thomas in the past. I rather stay home to work.

Roman wants to go party, as does Remus. Patton wants to go see old friends. All 3 say it's possible to maybe find a love interest now that we are older. Or in Remus' case a one-night stand.

We want to know what you think and if we don't go, we need an excuse."  Logan explained.

Janus thought for a moment. "I would vote not to go-" he was cut off. "Of course you stick in the mud. No fun." Roman grumbled.

Janus was hurt a bit but continued. "As I was saying, the possibility of finding a love interest is slim to none, sorry to burst your bubble. While I would enjoy seeing old friends again, we all seem content with who Thomas is friends with now. We could be doing work while staying home, Thomas has been slightly over working himself so a night off or out with friends works fine instead of a party.

Virgil also does have a point with the old tormentors. While they could've changed I am not lying my through that entire evening." Janus said, explaining why he rather not go.

"And an excuse not to go?" Thomas asked, clearly considering what Janus said. "Easy. You have 4 options. To far away, this depends on the location of the party. Someone had passed away, morbid I'm aware. Family is visiting. Or you must work that night." Janus listed.

"Okay.... thanks Janus." Thomas smiled.

Roman grumbled something under his breath. "What was that Ro?" Virgil asked.

"Janus shouldn't be in this conversation." He repeated. "Oh? Why is that kiddo?" Patton asked.

"It's because he is a liar. An evil liar. He can't be trusted." Roman said. "He obviously wants you to stay home and rot away while you work."

Janus looked at Roman completely confused. "I have no intention of doing such a thing."
"Sure you don't snake." Roman said rolling his eyes.

"Thomas come on. You can get out for a night and re-meet people. It'll be an adventure! You love adventures! I'm sure it'll be way more fun than whatever Janus and Logan have you do. If you happen across bullies, stand up for yourself like the brave man you are! And who knows, you may find a prince to spend your days with." Roman ranted.

"Well Roman I s-" Janus was cut off again. "Oh hush Deceit. We shall be going!" Roman said proudly.

"That is if Thomas is alright with it." Virgil added. "I will need to think about it." Thomas said. Roman nodded. "See you creepy snake freak. You weren't needed in this."

Janus kept a neutral face. He glitched to Roman for a split second. "Well. If there is nothing else. Good bye." He bid before sinking to his room.

Janus curled up on his bed.

There goes his confidence.

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