Dealing with the past

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It had been a few days. Barry's arm was now in a red cast and he was in a sling. He had been staying with Kara for a bit. He didn't feel exactly comfortable being with anyone else. Plus, Joe and Iris were in a hotel nearby. No one was home at the moment so the two of them were in a pretty heated kissing session. Don't worry no under the waist action or any super dirty stuff was going on and they were fully clothed you dirty minded humans.

"Thanks for letting me stay here." He says stopping for air.

"No problem." She responds smiling. "Crap; I have to go to school. Will you be fine alone for the rest of the day, I mean-"

"Kara, relax. It's fine."

"I still hate this." She groans. "At least you're still invulnerable."

"True." She goes off to go find some school clothes. "See you later!"

Kara had made it to McKinley. What was her schedule again? Right she had History. Then science, then...yeah she got it. She did have to keep an eye out for whoever they'd been sent here after. Maybe she should just look for someone who seems sus. She just had to remember to act like Marley and not Kara. Not that there were too many differences. She was just even shyer.

She had made it through the day without people thinking she was acting weird. Probably because she always acted weird. So it wasn't out of the usual.

She was about to leave to go back to Millie's house when she saw a few of the glee kids watching her a bit too closely. "Hi?"

"Girl, you've been acting strange all day. You feeling alright?" Unique asks crossing her arms.

"I-uh. Yeah. I'm fine. Nothing wrong. Everything's good" she rambled. Rao, she was a bad liar.

"Mmhmm. C'mon we need you at glee practice."


It went pretty smoothly. Other than the uncomfortable situation of Jake and Ryder [f*ck Blake Jenner] both liking her. Especially when she was already seeing someone...not that any of them knew that. Since they had only started dating this year. Except this year was 2016 not 2009. Time travel is weird.

No one seemed very strange though. Although she did realize that Shoe was very weird and how is he not in jail? Or fired? And how did none of them notice.

When it was over she was about to head out. Schue stopped her in her tracks. "Su-Marley. Are you sure you're feeling well?" He asks.

"I'm fine, Mr. Schue." Kara answers trying to get around.


When she gets out of sight she flies home. She didn't want to stay around much longer.

Cisco was checking for Zoom. Who there'd been a few reports of him back. This was not good. Especially since Flash and Supergirl weren't in the right mindset to fight him. "Guys!" He shouts to the people standing around in the cortex, including Team Arrow and the rest of the 'Superfriends' as Winn said they were called.

Cisco, Winn, and Felicity had hit it off immediately. I mean Cisco had heard about Winn but he was perfect for their little tech crew.

"What?" Felicity asks. "Do you guys know what's wrong with Barry and Kara besides amnesia?" Oliver questions. No, he wasn't worried. He just knew that they were needed to protect their cities. This had nothing to do with any personal opinions towards either of them. They were his allies nothing else. He had not had a slight attraction to one of them before getting together with Felicity, and he did not see them as friends. He didn't care for them he just knew objectively that the world was a better place with them. He didn't like them. At all. He just tolerated their existence.

"Uh no. But we have a problem. Zoom's back."

Oliver didn't say anything. But he walked off to clearly suit up. "Hey! Where are you going?" Felicity asks.

"Zoom is a problem that won't take care of itself. Plus if we're gonna even get Barry and Kara back to semi-normal we're gonna have to start treating them like normal." Oliver snapped. He strapped his quiver to his back and grabbed the extra Flash and Supergirl suit they kept stored at STAR Labs.

"They aren't stable!" Iris shouts.

"Actually. Oliver might be able to help if he does this. It could trigger their memory." Caitlin says thinking logically. "And I know Kara she would hate everyone tip-toeing around her. Plus Caitlin's right."

"Well if the two people with medical training said it's fine. I say go for it." Joe shrugs. "But if you shoot my son with another arrow I swear you'll have more problems than this Damien Darhk."
Barry was sitting on the couch watching TV when Kara got back. "Ugh. Today was the worst." She complained as she flopped onto the couch beside him.

"What? Did you think reliving the best worst days of your life would be fun."

" What about you how was your day?"

"Well...first I had to spill everything to Joe and admit literally everything, such a fun conversation. Iris is giving me the silent treatment now. But at least when we get back to the present it'll all be out in the open. Hopefully, they won't hate me. Um until the whole Hunter situation is dealt with and someone else comes forward because apparently claiming your dad's innocence when everyone thinks he's a murderer is a real turn off for cops asking for information. I got drug tested...that was a fun one to explain. I did get to talk to my dad. I mean he was disappointed in me but I got to talk to him. And Joe is making me go to a different school until the Hunter issue is figured out before I can go back to Dalton. So could that be a week, a month, the rest of my senior year? Who knows."

"Oh wow."

" find out who we're after yet?"

"Um...Mr. Schue was acting weird but he also was always weird."

"How was he not fired? I mean I've only seen him a couple
times but he seems almost predatory over you guys."

"Yeah. That guy has got a lot of issues. But it sounded like he'd almost started to say Supergirl which how would he know that. Supergirl didn't even exist at this point in time."

"You don't think?"

" about your whole school issue."

"Yeah Joe thinks me transferring to McKinley until we get this whole mess sorted out with the police is the best action. I'm dreading it. I'm going to be killed."

"Oh stop being so dramatic. How much worse can it be than your own roommate breaking your arm."

"Do I need to remind you how I ended up in Ohio?"

"Ok...point taken."

Whoo. Finally. And we're getting to the end of this book. I think there's gonna be 5 more chapters max. But I am in the process of a sequel since I'm planning on ending this with a very end of season 4 of the flash cliffhanger. ;)
Oh and I may've thrown a little too much shade on 👞 but idrc he's a weird dude and kinda creepy. Then again most male history teachers are. There are so many reasons 👞 should be in jail.
(Also I am planning on completely rewriting this...when I find time...and energy to do that. I have like...half a chapter of the rewrite done)

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