Finale and a preview

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Sorry for not updating in quite awhile, but work ya know? Anyway I've been addicted to Among Us and it's all I can watch and play right now, so that contributed to the delays.

Also for anyone one with the mobile version, look out for me on there, N7Captain is my name on the mobile version of Among Us.

Fun fact: People die when they are killed.

The time had finally came. This battle would determine if their school would be reopened, or if they would be broken apart and separated from each other.

Miho looked around at everyone while they waited for the match to start. After greeting the university team's commander, which just so happened to be the little girl they encountered at the Boko museum, and their vice-commander, which also just so happened to be Emma's big sister, they sat around and waited.

Miho was glade to have help from the other schools. Imagine her surprise when she noticed tanks from the other schools came rolling along and parked alongside Ooarai's tanks.

When Emma's big sister, Erica, noticed that her younger sister was on the enemy team, she hugged her commander and tearfully apologized. It turns out she told Emma everything about All star's plan to beat Ooarai without realizing that Emma was apart of Ooarai's team.

She saw everyone doing their thing, and when she looked over to team Edelweiss, she saw all six members of team Edelweiss looking at their phones. She decided to go over and see what they were doing.

Once she arrived, she got up on the tank and looked over Wolfgang's shoulder and saw that they were playing a game. She had heard about this one, Among Us, she believed it was called. Wolfgang and Maho wanted her to download the game so that they could play it together, but she never got around to it. Maybe after this match.

Wolfgang: Yes!

Team Edelweiss: Shit!

Turns out Wolfie was the imposter and won.

Team Edelweiss jumped towards him with the intent to "playfully" strangle him.

Miho, and the others who were watching, laughed at Wolfgang's plight before they were all interrupted by the match starting. Team Edelweiss was currently close to the Kuromorimine tanks, as was team Kalash, for old times sake. The plan was for team Edelweiss to wait for the university team's T 28 to come into their view and hopefully be able to either destroy it, or keep it busy long enough for Ooarai to find their flag tank and immobilize it. There was more to it, but team Edelweiss wasn't listening, they only heard their part and that was that.

It had nothing to do with the fact that they were playing Among Us, not at all.

Anyway, while they were on route to where their battle would be held, Ella turned the radio on and played a song for the whole team to hear.

Immediately all the members of Kuromorimine, team Edelweiss and team Kalash started to sing along, followed by Yukari, Miho, Walter, and Hippo team soon after.

The song ended just as they entered their battle ground, and saw a bunch of Boko related items.

Wolfgang: Whelp, Miho is gonna have a heart attack if she accidentally damages anything here. Or kill us if we break something.

Team Edelweiss: Yup.

Ella: Do you think we can destroy the T28?

Maho: I doubt it. Super heavy tanks, like our Tortoise and the T28, focused more on firepower and armor. That and the T28 was made a year later, in 1945 as opposed to the Tortoise, which was built in 1944.

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